# Example for using a mixture use case in a discrete searchspace Example for imposing sum constraints for discrete parameters. The constraints simulate a situation where we want to mix up to three solvents. However, their respective fractions need to sum up to 100. Also, the solvents should never be chosen twice, which requires various other constraints. This example assumes some basic familiarity with using BayBE. We thus refer to [`campaign`](./../Basics/campaign.md) for a basic example. ## Necessary imports for this example ```python import math import os ``` ```python import numpy as np ``` ```python from baybe import Campaign from baybe.constraints import ( DiscreteDependenciesConstraint, DiscreteNoLabelDuplicatesConstraint, DiscretePermutationInvarianceConstraint, DiscreteSumConstraint, ThresholdCondition, ) from baybe.objectives import SingleTargetObjective from baybe.parameters import NumericalDiscreteParameter, SubstanceParameter from baybe.searchspace import SearchSpace from baybe.targets import NumericalTarget from baybe.utils.dataframe import add_fake_results ``` ## Experiment setup This parameter denotes the tolerance with regard to the calculation of the sum. ```python SUM_TOLERANCE = 1.0 ``` ```python SMOKE_TEST = "SMOKE_TEST" in os.environ ``` ```python # This parameter denotes the resolution of the discretization of the parameters RESOLUTION = 5 if SMOKE_TEST else 12 ``` ```python dict_solvents = { "water": "O", "C1": "C", "C2": "CC", "C3": "CCC", } solvent1 = SubstanceParameter(name="Solv1", data=dict_solvents, encoding="MORDRED") solvent2 = SubstanceParameter(name="Solv2", data=dict_solvents, encoding="MORDRED") solvent3 = SubstanceParameter(name="Solv3", data=dict_solvents, encoding="MORDRED") ``` Parameters for representing the fraction. ```python fraction1 = NumericalDiscreteParameter( name="Frac1", values=list(np.linspace(0, 100, RESOLUTION)), tolerance=0.2 ) fraction2 = NumericalDiscreteParameter( name="Frac2", values=list(np.linspace(0, 100, RESOLUTION)), tolerance=0.2 ) fraction3 = NumericalDiscreteParameter( name="Frac3", values=list(np.linspace(0, 100, RESOLUTION)), tolerance=0.2 ) ``` ```python parameters = [solvent1, solvent2, solvent3, fraction1, fraction2, fraction3] ``` ## Creating the constraint Since the constraints are required for the creation of the searchspace, we create them next. Note that we need a `PermutationInvarianceConstraint` here. The reason is that constraints are normally applied in a specific order. However, the fractions should be invariant under permutations. We thus require an explicit constraint for this. ```python perm_inv_constraint = DiscretePermutationInvarianceConstraint( parameters=["Solv1", "Solv2", "Solv3"], dependencies=DiscreteDependenciesConstraint( parameters=["Frac1", "Frac2", "Frac3"], conditions=[ ThresholdCondition(threshold=0.0, operator=">"), ThresholdCondition(threshold=0.0, operator=">"), ThresholdCondition(threshold=0.0, operator=">"), ], affected_parameters=[["Solv1"], ["Solv2"], ["Solv3"]], ), ) ``` This is now the actual sum constraint ```python sum_constraint = DiscreteSumConstraint( parameters=["Frac1", "Frac2", "Frac3"], condition=ThresholdCondition(threshold=100, operator="=", tolerance=SUM_TOLERANCE), ) ``` The permutation invariance might create duplicate labels. We thus include a constraint to remove them. ```python no_duplicates_constraint = DiscreteNoLabelDuplicatesConstraint( parameters=["Solv1", "Solv2", "Solv3"] ) ``` ```python constraints = [perm_inv_constraint, sum_constraint, no_duplicates_constraint] ``` ## Creating the searchspace and the objective ```python searchspace = SearchSpace.from_product(parameters=parameters, constraints=constraints) ``` ________________________________________________________________________________ [Memory] Calling baybe.utils.chemistry._smiles_to_mordred_features... _smiles_to_mordred_features('C') _______________________________________smiles_to_mordred_features - 0.0s, 0.0min ________________________________________________________________________________ [Memory] Calling baybe.utils.chemistry._smiles_to_mordred_features... _smiles_to_mordred_features('CC') _______________________________________smiles_to_mordred_features - 0.0s, 0.0min ```python objective = SingleTargetObjective(target=NumericalTarget(name="Target_1", mode="MAX")) ``` ## Creating and printing the campaign ```python campaign = Campaign(searchspace=searchspace, objective=objective) print(campaign) ``` Campaign Meta Data Batches done: 0 Fits done: 0 SearchSpace Search Space Type: DISCRETE SubspaceDiscrete Discrete Parameters Name Type Num_Values Encoding 0 Frac1 NumericalDis... 5 None 1 Frac2 NumericalDis... 5 None 2 Frac3 NumericalDis... 5 None 3 Solv1 SubstancePar... 4 SubstanceEnc... 4 Solv2 SubstancePar... 4 SubstanceEnc... 5 Solv3 SubstancePar... 4 SubstanceEnc... Experimental Representation Solv1 Solv2 ... Frac2 Frac3 0 C3 C2 ... 0.0 100.0 1 C3 C2 ... 25.0 75.0 2 C3 C2 ... 50.0 50.0 .. ... ... ... ... ... 31 water C3 ... 25.0 50.0 32 water C3 ... 50.0 25.0 33 water C3 ... 25.0 25.0 [34 rows x 6 columns] Meta Data was_recommended: 0/34 was_measured: 0/34 dont_recommend: 0/34 Constraints Type Affected_Paramet 0 DiscreteNoLa... [Solv1, Solv... 1 DiscreteSumC... [Frac1, Frac... 2 DiscretePerm... [Solv1, Solv... Computational Representation Frac1 Frac2 ... Solv3_MORDRED_AT Solv3_MORDRED_AA 0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.000 -36.020 1 0.0 25.0 ... 0.000 -36.020 2 0.0 50.0 ... 0.000 -36.020 .. ... ... ... ... ... 31 25.0 25.0 ... 0.005 -18.091 32 25.0 50.0 ... 0.005 -18.091 33 50.0 25.0 ... 0.005 -18.091 [34 rows x 15 columns] Objective Type: SingleTargetObjective Targets Type Name ... Upper_Bound Transformation 0 NumericalTarget Target_1 ... inf None [1 rows x 6 columns] TwoPhaseMetaRecommender Initial recommender RandomRecommender Compatibility: SearchSpaceType.HYBRID Recommender BotorchRecommender Surrogate GaussianProcessSurrogate Supports Transfer Learning: True Kernel factory: DefaultKernelFactory() Acquisition function: qLogExpectedImprovement() Compatibility: SearchSpaceType.HYBRID Sequential continuous: False Hybrid sampler: None Sampling percentage: 1.0 Switch after: 1 ## Manual verification of the constraint The following loop performs some recommendations and manually verifies the given constraints. ```python N_ITERATIONS = 2 if SMOKE_TEST else 3 for kIter in range(N_ITERATIONS): print(f"\n#### ITERATION {kIter+1} ####") print("## ASSERTS ##") print( "No. of searchspace entries where fractions do not sum to 100.0: ", campaign.searchspace.discrete.exp_rep[["Frac1", "Frac2", "Frac3"]] .sum(axis=1) .apply(lambda x: x - 100.0) .abs() .gt(SUM_TOLERANCE) .sum(), ) print( "No. of searchspace entries that have duplicate solvent labels: ", campaign.searchspace.discrete.exp_rep[["Solv1", "Solv2", "Solv3"]] .nunique(axis=1) .ne(3) .sum(), ) print( "No. of searchspace entries with permutation-invariant combinations: ", campaign.searchspace.discrete.exp_rep[["Solv1", "Solv2", "Solv3"]] .apply(frozenset, axis=1) .to_frame() .join(campaign.searchspace.discrete.exp_rep[["Frac1", "Frac2", "Frac3"]]) .duplicated() .sum(), ) # The following asserts only work if the tolerance for the threshold condition in # the constraint are not 0. Otherwise, the sum/prod constraints will remove more # points than intended due to numeric rounding print( f"No. of unique 1-solvent entries (exp. {math.comb(len(dict_solvents), 1)*1})", (campaign.searchspace.discrete.exp_rep[["Frac1", "Frac2", "Frac3"]] == 0.0) .sum(axis=1) .eq(2) .sum(), ) print( f"No. of unique 2-solvent entries (exp." f" {math.comb(len(dict_solvents), 2)*(RESOLUTION-2)})", (campaign.searchspace.discrete.exp_rep[["Frac1", "Frac2", "Frac3"]] == 0.0) .sum(axis=1) .eq(1) .sum(), ) print( f"No. of unique 3-solvent entries (exp." f" {math.comb(len(dict_solvents), 3)*((RESOLUTION-3)*(RESOLUTION-2))//2})", (campaign.searchspace.discrete.exp_rep[["Frac1", "Frac2", "Frac3"]] == 0.0) .sum(axis=1) .eq(0) .sum(), ) rec = campaign.recommend(batch_size=5) add_fake_results(rec, campaign.targets) campaign.add_measurements(rec) ``` #### ITERATION 1 #### ## ASSERTS ## No. of searchspace entries where fractions do not sum to 100.0: 0 No. of searchspace entries that have duplicate solvent labels: 0 No. of searchspace entries with permutation-invariant combinations: 0 No. of unique 1-solvent entries (exp. 4) 4 No. of unique 2-solvent entries (exp. 18) 18 No. of unique 3-solvent entries (exp. 12) 12 #### ITERATION 2 #### ## ASSERTS ## No. of searchspace entries where fractions do not sum to 100.0: 0 No. of searchspace entries that have duplicate solvent labels: 0 No. of searchspace entries with permutation-invariant combinations: 0 No. of unique 1-solvent entries (exp. 4) 4 No. of unique 2-solvent entries (exp. 18) 18 No. of unique 3-solvent entries (exp. 12) 12