Source code for baybe.surrogates.base

"""Base functionality for all BayBE surrogates."""

from __future__ import annotations

import gc
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from enum import Enum, auto
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, ClassVar, Protocol

import pandas as pd
from attrs import define, field
from cattrs import override
from cattrs.dispatch import (
from joblib.hashing import hash

from baybe.exceptions import ModelNotTrainedError
from baybe.objectives.base import Objective
from baybe.parameters.base import Parameter
from baybe.searchspace import SearchSpace
from baybe.serialization.core import (
from baybe.serialization.mixin import SerialMixin
from baybe.utils.dataframe import to_tensor
from baybe.utils.plotting import to_string
from baybe.utils.scaling import ColumnTransformer

    from botorch.models.model import Model
    from botorch.models.transforms.input import InputTransform
    from botorch.models.transforms.outcome import OutcomeTransform
    from botorch.posteriors import GPyTorchPosterior, Posterior
    from torch import Tensor

_ONNX_ENCODING = "latin-1"
"""Constant signifying the encoding for onnx byte strings in pretrained models.

NOTE: This encoding is selected by choice for ONNX byte strings.
This is not a requirement from ONNX but simply for the JSON format.
The byte string from ONNX `.SerializeToString()` method has unknown encoding,
which results in UnicodeDecodeError when using `.decode('utf-8')`.
The use of latin-1 ensures there are no loss from the conversion of
bytes to string and back, since the specification is a bijection between
0-255 and the character set.

class _NoTransform(Enum):
    """Sentinel class."""


"""Sentinel to indicate the absence of a transform where `None` is ambiguous."""

[docs] class SurrogateProtocol(Protocol): """Type protocol specifying the interface surrogate models need to implement.""" # Use slots so that derived classes also remain slotted # See also: __slots__ = () # TODO: Final layout still to be optimized. For example, shall we require a # `posterior` method?
[docs] def fit( self, searchspace: SearchSpace, objective: Objective, measurements: pd.DataFrame, ) -> None: """Fit the surrogate to training data in a given modelling context. For details on the expected method arguments, see :meth:`baybe.recommenders.base.RecommenderProtocol`. """
[docs] def to_botorch(self) -> Model: """Create the botorch-ready representation of the fitted model. The :class:`botorch.models.model.Model` created by this method needs to be configured such that it can be called with candidate points in **computational representation**, that is, input of the form as obtained via :meth:`baybe.searchspace.core.SearchSpace.transform`. """
[docs] @define class Surrogate(ABC, SurrogateProtocol, SerialMixin): """Abstract base class for all surrogate models.""" supports_transfer_learning: ClassVar[bool] """Class variable encoding whether or not the surrogate supports transfer learning.""" _searchspace: SearchSpace | None = field(init=False, default=None, eq=False) """The search space on which the surrogate operates. Available after fitting.""" _objective: Objective | None = field(init=False, default=None, eq=False) """The objective for which the surrogate was trained. Available after fitting.""" _measurements_hash: str = field(init=False, default=None, eq=False) """The hash of the data the surrogate was trained on.""" _input_scaler: ColumnTransformer | None = field(init=False, default=None, eq=False) """Scaler for transforming input values. Available after fitting. Scales a tensor containing parameter configurations in computational representation to make them digestible for the model-specific, scale-agnostic posterior logic.""" # TODO: type should be # `botorch.models.transforms.outcome.Standardize | _NoTransform` | None # but is currently omitted due to: # _output_scaler = field(init=False, default=None, eq=False) """Scaler for transforming output values. Available after fitting. Scales a tensor containing target measurements in computational representation to make them digestible for the model-specific, scale-agnostic posterior logic."""
[docs] def to_botorch(self) -> Model: # noqa: D102 # See base class. from baybe.surrogates._adapter import AdapterModel return AdapterModel(self)
@staticmethod def _make_parameter_scaler_factory( parameter: Parameter, ) -> type[InputTransform] | None: """Return the scaler factory to be used for the given parameter. This method is supposed to be overridden by subclasses to implement their custom parameter scaling logic. Otherwise, parameters will be normalized. """ from botorch.models.transforms.input import Normalize return Normalize @staticmethod def _make_target_scaler_factory() -> type[OutcomeTransform] | None: """Return the scaler factory to be used for target scaling. This method is supposed to be overridden by subclasses to implement their custom target scaling logic. Otherwise, targets will be standardized. """ from botorch.models.transforms.outcome import Standardize return Standardize def _make_input_scaler(self, searchspace: SearchSpace) -> ColumnTransformer: """Make and fit the input scaler for transforming computational dataframes.""" # Create a composite scaler from parameter-wise scaler objects mapping: dict[tuple[int, ...], InputTransform] = {} for p in searchspace.parameters: if (factory := self._make_parameter_scaler_factory(p)) is None: continue idxs = searchspace.get_comp_rep_parameter_indices( transformer = factory(len(idxs)) mapping[idxs] = transformer scaler = ColumnTransformer(mapping) # Fit the scaler to the parameter bounds return scaler def _make_output_scaler( self, objective: Objective, measurements: pd.DataFrame ) -> OutcomeTransform | _NoTransform: """Make and fit the output scaler for transforming computational dataframes.""" if (factory := self._make_target_scaler_factory()) is None: return _IDENTITY_TRANSFORM # TODO: Multi-target extension scaler = factory(1) # TODO: Consider taking into account target boundaries when available scaler(to_tensor(objective.transform(measurements))) scaler.eval() return scaler
[docs] def posterior(self, candidates: pd.DataFrame, /) -> Posterior: """Compute the posterior for candidates in experimental representation. Takes a dataframe of parameter configurations in **experimental representation** and returns the corresponding posterior object. Therefore, the method serves as the user-facing entry point for accessing model predictions. Args: candidates: A dataframe containing parameter configurations in **experimental representation**. Raises: ModelNotTrainedError: When called before the model has been trained. Returns: A :class:`botorch.posteriors.Posterior` object representing the posterior distribution at the given candidate points, where the posterior is also described in **experimental representation**. That is, the posterior values lie in the same domain as the modelled targets/objective on which the surrogate was trained via :meth:``. """ if self._searchspace is None: raise ModelNotTrainedError( "The surrogate must be trained before a posterior can be computed." ) return self._posterior_comp( to_tensor(self._searchspace.transform(candidates, allow_extra=True)) )
def _posterior_comp(self, candidates_comp: Tensor, /) -> Posterior: """Compute the posterior for candidates in computational representation. Takes a tensor of parameter configurations in **computational representation** and returns the corresponding posterior object. Therefore, the method provides the entry point for queries coming from computational layers, for instance, BoTorch's `optimize_*` functions. Args: candidates_comp: A tensor containing parameter configurations in **computational representation**. Returns: The same :class:`botorch.posteriors.Posterior` object as returned via :meth:`baybe.surrogates.base.Surrogate.posterior`. """ # FIXME[typing]: It seems there is currently no better way to inform the type # checker that the attribute is available at the time of the function call assert self._input_scaler is not None p = self._posterior(self._input_scaler.transform(candidates_comp)) if self._output_scaler is not _IDENTITY_TRANSFORM: p = self._output_scaler.untransform_posterior(p) return p @abstractmethod def _posterior(self, candidates_comp_scaled: Tensor, /) -> Posterior: """Perform the actual model-specific posterior evaluation logic. This method is supposed to be overridden by subclasses to implement their model-specific surrogate architecture. Internally, the method is called by the base class with a **scaled** tensor of candidates in **computational representation**, where the scaling is configurable by the subclass by overriding the default scaler factory methods of the base. The base class also takes care of transforming the returned posterior back to the original scale according to the defined scalers. This means: ----------- Subclasses implementing this method do not have to bother about pre-/postprocessing of the in-/output. Instead, they only need to implement the mathematical operation of computing the posterior for the given input according to their model specifications and can implicitly assume that scaling is handled appropriately outside. In short: the returned posterior simply needs to be on the same scale as the given input. Args: candidates_comp_scaled: A tensor containing **scaled** parameter configurations in **computational representation**, as defined through the input scaler obtained via :meth:`baybe.surrogates.base.Surrogate._make_input_scaler`. Returns: A :class:`botorch.posteriors.Posterior` object representing the **scale-transformed** posterior distributions at the given candidate points, where the posterior is described on the scale dictated by the output scaler obtained via :meth:`baybe.surrogates.base.Surrogate._make_output_scaler`. """
[docs] def fit( self, searchspace: SearchSpace, objective: Objective, measurements: pd.DataFrame, ) -> None: """Train the surrogate model on the provided data. Args: searchspace: The search space in which experiments are conducted. objective: The objective to be optimized. measurements: The training data in experimental representation. Raises: ValueError: If the search space contains task parameters but the selected surrogate model type does not support transfer learning. NotImplementedError: When using a continuous search space and a non-GP model. """ # TODO: consider adding a validation step for `measurements` # When the context is unchanged, no retraining is necessary if ( searchspace == self._searchspace and objective == self._objective and hash(measurements) == self._measurements_hash ): return # Check if transfer learning capabilities are needed if (searchspace.n_tasks > 1) and (not self.supports_transfer_learning): raise ValueError( f"The search space contains task parameters but the selected " f"surrogate model type ({self.__class__.__name__}) does not " f"support transfer learning." ) if (not searchspace.continuous.is_empty) and ( "GaussianProcess" not in self.__class__.__name__ ): raise NotImplementedError( "Continuous search spaces are currently only supported by GPs." ) # Remember the training context self._searchspace = searchspace self._objective = objective self._measurements_hash = hash(measurements) # Create context-specific transformations self._input_scaler = self._make_input_scaler(searchspace) self._output_scaler = self._make_output_scaler(objective, measurements) # Transform and fit train_x_comp_rep, train_y_comp_rep = to_tensor( searchspace.transform(measurements, allow_extra=True), objective.transform(measurements), ) train_x = self._input_scaler.transform(train_x_comp_rep) train_y = ( train_y_comp_rep if self._output_scaler is _IDENTITY_TRANSFORM else self._output_scaler(train_y_comp_rep)[0] ) self._fit(train_x, train_y)
@abstractmethod def _fit(self, train_x: Tensor, train_y: Tensor) -> None: """Perform the actual fitting logic.""" def __str__(self) -> str: fields = [ to_string( "Supports Transfer Learning", self.supports_transfer_learning, single_line=True, ), ] return to_string(self.__class__.__name__, *fields)
[docs] @define class IndependentGaussianSurrogate(Surrogate, ABC): """A surrogate base class providing independent Gaussian posteriors.""" def _posterior(self, candidates_comp_scaled: Tensor, /) -> GPyTorchPosterior: # See base class. import torch from botorch.posteriors import GPyTorchPosterior from gpytorch.distributions import MultivariateNormal # Construct the Gaussian posterior from the estimated first and second moment mean, var = self._estimate_moments(candidates_comp_scaled) mvn = MultivariateNormal(mean, torch.diag_embed(var)) return GPyTorchPosterior(mvn) @abstractmethod def _estimate_moments( self, candidates_comp_scaled: Tensor, / ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Estimate first and second moments of the Gaussian posterior."""
def _make_hook_decode_onnx_str( raw_unstructure_hook: UnstructureHook, ) -> UnstructureHook: """Wrap an unstructuring hook to let it also decode the contained ONNX string.""" def wrapper(obj: StructuredValue) -> UnstructuredValue: dct = raw_unstructure_hook(obj) if "onnx_str" in dct: dct["onnx_str"] = dct["onnx_str"].decode(_ONNX_ENCODING) return dct return wrapper def _make_hook_encode_onnx_str(raw_structure_hook: StructureHook) -> StructureHook: """Wrap a structuring hook to let it also encode the contained ONNX string.""" def wrapper(dct: UnstructuredValue, _: TargetType) -> StructuredValue: if (onnx_str := dct.get("onnx_str")) and isinstance(onnx_str, str): dct["onnx_str"] = onnx_str.encode(_ONNX_ENCODING) obj = raw_structure_hook(dct, _) return obj return wrapper def _block_serialize_custom_architecture( raw_unstructure_hook: UnstructureHook, ) -> UnstructureHook: """Raise error if attempt to serialize a custom architecture surrogate.""" # TODO: Ideally, this hook should be removed and unstructuring the Surrogate # base class should automatically invoke the blocking hook that is already # registered for the "CustomArchitectureSurrogate" subclass. However, it's # not clear how the base unstructuring hook needs to be modified to accomplish # this, and furthermore the problem will most likely become obsolete in the future # because the role of the subclass will probably be replaced with a surrogate # protocol. def wrapper(obj: StructuredValue) -> UnstructuredValue: if obj.__class__.__name__ == "CustomArchitectureSurrogate": raise NotImplementedError( "Serializing objects of type 'CustomArchitectureSurrogate' " "is not supported." ) return raw_unstructure_hook(obj) return wrapper # Register (un-)structure hooks # IMPROVE: Ideally, the ONNX-specific hooks should simply be registered with the ONNX # class, which would avoid the nested wrapping below. However, this requires # adjusting the base class (un-)structure hooks such that they consistently apply # existing hooks of the concrete subclasses. _unstructure_hook = _make_hook_decode_onnx_str( _block_serialize_custom_architecture( lambda x: unstructure_base(x, overrides={"_model": override(omit=True)}) ) ) converter.register_unstructure_hook(Surrogate, _unstructure_hook) converter.register_structure_hook( Surrogate, _make_hook_encode_onnx_str(get_base_structure_hook(Surrogate)) ) converter.register_unstructure_hook(SurrogateProtocol, _unstructure_hook) converter.register_structure_hook( SurrogateProtocol, _make_hook_encode_onnx_str(get_base_structure_hook(SurrogateProtocol)), ) # Collect leftover original slotted classes processed by `attrs.define` gc.collect()