# Asynchronous Workflows Asynchronous workflows describe situations where the loop between measurement and recommendation is more complex and needs to incorporate various other aspects. These could for instance be: - **Distributed workflows**: When recommendations are distributed across several operators, e.g. at different locations or in several reactors, some experiments might have been started, but are not ready when the next batch of recommendations is requested. Without further consideration, the algorithm would be likely to recommend the pending experiments again (since they were and still are considered most promising), as it is unaware they were already started. - **Partial targets**: When dealing with multiple targets that require very different amounts of time to measure, the targets of previously recommended points might only be partially available when requesting the next batch of recommendations. Still, these partial experiments should ideally be considered when generating the recommendations. With *pending experiments* we mean experiments whose measurement process has been started, but not yet completed by time of triggering the next set of recommendations – this is typically the case when at least one of the configured targets has not yet been measured. There are two levels of dealing with such situations: 1) **Marking experiments as pending**: If an experiment is not completed (meaning at least one target is not yet measured), its data cannot be added as a regular measurement. However, it can be marked as pending via `pending_experiments` in `recommend`. 1) **Adding partial results**: If an experiment is partially completed (meaning at least one target has been measured), we can already update the model with the available information by adding a *partial* measurement. (PENDING_EXPERIMENTS)= ## Marking Experiments as Pending To avoid repeated recommendations in the above scenario, BayBE provides the `pending_experiments` keyword. It is available wherever recommendations can be requested, i.e. [`Campaign.recommend`](baybe.campaign.Campaign.recommend) or [`RecommenderProtocol.recommend`](baybe.recommenders.base.RecommenderProtocol.recommend). ```{admonition} Supported Acquisition Functions :class: important `pending_experiments` is only supported by Monte Carlo (MC) acquisition functions, i.e. the ones that start with a `q` in their name. Attempting to use a non-MC acquisition function with `pending_experiments` will result in an [`IncompatibleAcquisitionFunctionError`](baybe.exceptions.IncompatibleAcquisitionFunctionError). ``` ```{admonition} Supported Recommenders :class: important For technical reasons, not every recommender is able to make use of `pending_experiments`. For instance, [`BotorchRecommender`](baybe.recommenders.pure.bayesian.botorch.BotorchRecommender) takes all pending experiments into account, even if they do not match exactly with points in the search space. By contrast, [Non-predictive recommenders](baybe.recommenders.pure.nonpredictive.base.NonPredictiveRecommender) like [`SKLearnClusteringRecommender`](baybe.recommenders.pure.nonpredictive.clustering.SKLearnClusteringRecommender)s, [`RandomRecommender`](baybe.recommenders.pure.nonpredictive.sampling.RandomRecommender) or [`FPSRecommender`](baybe.recommenders.pure.nonpredictive.sampling.FPSRecommender) do not consider `pending_experiments` at all and raise an {class}`~baybe.exceptions.UnusedObjectWarning` when such points are passed. ``` Akin to `measurements` or `recommendations`, `pending_experiments` is a dataframe in [experimental representation](DATA_REPRESENTATION). In the following example, we get a set of recommendations, add results for half of them, and start the next recommendation, marking the other half pending: ```python from baybe.utils.dataframe import add_fake_measurements # Get a set of 10 recommendation rec = campaign.recommend(batch_size=10) # Split recommendations into two parts rec_finished = rec.iloc[:5] rec_pending = rec.iloc[5:] # Add target measurements to the finished part. Here we add fake results add_fake_measurements(rec_finished, campaign.targets) campaign.add_measurements(rec_finished) # Get the next set of recommendations, incorporating the still unfinished experiments. # These will not include the experiments marked as pending again. rec_next = campaign.recommend(10, pending_experiments=rec_pending) ``` ## Adding Partial Results This functionality is under development as part of multi-target models.