Source code for baybe.campaign

"""Functionality for managing DOE campaigns. Main point of interaction via Python."""

from __future__ import annotations

import gc
import json
from import Callable, Collection
from functools import reduce
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

import cattrs
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from attrs import Attribute, Factory, define, evolve, field, fields
from attrs.converters import optional
from attrs.validators import instance_of
from typing_extensions import override

from baybe.constraints.base import DiscreteConstraint
from baybe.exceptions import IncompatibilityError, NotEnoughPointsLeftError
from baybe.objectives.base import Objective, to_objective
from baybe.parameters.base import Parameter
from baybe.recommenders.base import RecommenderProtocol
from baybe.recommenders.meta.base import MetaRecommender
from baybe.recommenders.meta.sequential import TwoPhaseMetaRecommender
from baybe.recommenders.pure.bayesian.base import BayesianRecommender
from baybe.recommenders.pure.nonpredictive.base import NonPredictiveRecommender
from baybe.searchspace._filtered import FilteredSubspaceDiscrete
from baybe.searchspace.core import (
from baybe.serialization import SerialMixin, converter
from baybe.surrogates.base import SurrogateProtocol
from baybe.targets.base import Target
from baybe.telemetry import (
from baybe.utils.basic import UNSPECIFIED, UnspecifiedType, is_all_instance
from baybe.utils.boolean import eq_dataframe
from baybe.utils.dataframe import filter_df, fuzzy_row_match
from baybe.utils.plotting import to_string

    from botorch.posteriors import Posterior

# Metadata columns
_RECOMMENDED = "recommended"
_MEASURED = "measured"
_EXCLUDED = "excluded"

def _make_allow_flag_default_factory(
    default: bool,
) -> Callable[[Campaign], bool | UnspecifiedType]:
    """Make a default factory for allow_* flags."""

    def default_allow_flag(campaign: Campaign) -> bool | UnspecifiedType:
        """Attrs-compatible default factory for allow_* flags."""
        if campaign.searchspace.type is SearchSpaceType.DISCRETE:
            return default
        return UNSPECIFIED

    return default_allow_flag

def _validate_allow_flag(campaign: Campaign, attribute: Attribute, value: Any) -> None:
    """Attrs-compatible validator for context-aware validation of allow_* flags."""
    match campaign.searchspace.type:
        case SearchSpaceType.DISCRETE:
            if not isinstance(value, bool):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"For search spaces of '{SearchSpaceType.DISCRETE}', "
                    f"'{}' must be a Boolean."
        case _:
            if value is not UNSPECIFIED:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"For search spaces of type other than "
                    f"'{SearchSpaceType.DISCRETE}', '{}' cannot be set "
                    f"since the flag is meaningless in such contexts.",

[docs] @define class Campaign(SerialMixin): """Main class for interaction with BayBE. Campaigns define and record an experimentation process, i.e. the execution of a series of measurements and the iterative sequence of events involved. In particular, a campaign: * Defines the objective of an experimentation process. * Defines the search space over which the experimental parameter may vary. * Defines a recommender for exploring the search space. * Records the measurement data collected during the process. * Records metadata about the progress of the experimentation process. """ # DOE specifications searchspace: SearchSpace = field(converter=to_searchspace) """The search space in which the experiments are conducted. When passing a :class:`baybe.parameters.base.Parameter`, a :class:`baybe.searchspace.discrete.SubspaceDiscrete`, or a a :class:`baybe.searchspace.continuous.SubspaceContinuous`, conversion to :class:`baybe.searchspace.core.SearchSpace` is automatically applied.""" objective: Objective | None = field(default=None, converter=optional(to_objective)) """The optimization objective. When passing a :class:`baybe.targets.base.Target`, conversion to :class:`baybe.objectives.single.SingleTargetObjective` is automatically applied.""" recommender: RecommenderProtocol = field( factory=TwoPhaseMetaRecommender, validator=instance_of(RecommenderProtocol), ) """The employed recommender""" allow_recommending_already_measured: bool | UnspecifiedType = field( default=Factory( _make_allow_flag_default_factory(default=True), takes_self=True ), validator=_validate_allow_flag, kw_only=True, ) """Allow to recommend experiments that were already measured earlier. Can only be set for discrete search spaces.""" allow_recommending_already_recommended: bool | UnspecifiedType = field( default=Factory( _make_allow_flag_default_factory(default=False), takes_self=True ), validator=_validate_allow_flag, kw_only=True, ) """Allow to recommend experiments that were already recommended earlier. Can only be set for discrete search spaces.""" allow_recommending_pending_experiments: bool | UnspecifiedType = field( default=Factory( _make_allow_flag_default_factory(default=False), takes_self=True ), validator=_validate_allow_flag, kw_only=True, ) """Allow pending experiments to be part of the recommendations. Can only be set for discrete search spaces.""" # Metadata _searchspace_metadata: pd.DataFrame = field(init=False, eq=eq_dataframe) """Metadata tracking the experimentation status of the search space.""" n_batches_done: int = field(default=0, init=False) """The number of already processed batches.""" n_fits_done: int = field(default=0, init=False) """The number of fits already done.""" # Private _measurements_exp: pd.DataFrame = field( factory=pd.DataFrame, eq=eq_dataframe, init=False ) """The experimental representation of the conducted experiments.""" _cached_recommendation: pd.DataFrame = field( factory=pd.DataFrame, eq=eq_dataframe, init=False ) """The cached recommendations.""" @_searchspace_metadata.default def _default_searchspace_metadata(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Create a fresh metadata object.""" df = pd.DataFrame( False, index=self.searchspace.discrete.exp_rep.index, columns=_METADATA_COLUMNS, ) df.loc[:, _EXCLUDED] = self.searchspace.discrete._excluded return df @override def __str__(self) -> str: recommended_count = sum(self._searchspace_metadata[_RECOMMENDED]) measured_count = sum(self._searchspace_metadata[_MEASURED]) excluded_count = sum(self._searchspace_metadata[_EXCLUDED]) n_elements = len(self._searchspace_metadata) searchspace_fields = [ to_string( "Recommended:", f"{recommended_count}/{n_elements}", single_line=True, ), to_string( "Measured:", f"{measured_count}/{n_elements}", single_line=True, ), to_string( "Excluded:", f"{excluded_count}/{n_elements}", single_line=True, ), ] metadata_fields = [ to_string("Batches done", self.n_batches_done, single_line=True), to_string("Fits done", self.n_fits_done, single_line=True), to_string("Discrete Subspace Meta Data", *searchspace_fields), ] metadata = to_string("Meta Data", *metadata_fields) fields = [metadata, self.searchspace, self.objective, self.recommender] return to_string(self.__class__.__name__, *fields) @property def measurements(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """The experimental data added to the Campaign.""" return self._measurements_exp @property def parameters(self) -> tuple[Parameter, ...]: """The parameters of the underlying search space.""" return self.searchspace.parameters @property def targets(self) -> tuple[Target, ...]: """The targets of the underlying objective.""" return self.objective.targets if self.objective is not None else ()
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config_json: str) -> Campaign: """Create a campaign from a configuration JSON. Args: config_json: The string with the configuration JSON. Returns: The constructed campaign. """ config = json.loads(config_json) return converter.structure(config, Campaign)
[docs] @classmethod def validate_config(cls, config_json: str) -> None: """Validate a given campaign configuration JSON. Args: config_json: The JSON that should be validated. """ config = json.loads(config_json) _validation_converter.structure(config, Campaign)
[docs] def add_measurements( self, data: pd.DataFrame, numerical_measurements_must_be_within_tolerance: bool = True, ) -> None: """Add results from a dataframe to the internal database. Each addition of data is considered a new batch. Added results are checked for validity. Categorical values need to have an exact match. For numerical values, a campaign flag determines if values that lie outside a specified tolerance are accepted. Note that this modifies the provided data in-place. Args: data: The data to be added (with filled values for targets). Preferably created via :func:`baybe.campaign.Campaign.recommend`. numerical_measurements_must_be_within_tolerance: Flag indicating if numerical parameters need to be within their tolerances. Raises: ValueError: If one of the targets has missing values or NaNs in the provided dataframe. TypeError: If the target has non-numeric entries in the provided dataframe. """ # Invalidate recommendation cache first (in case of uncaught exceptions below) self._cached_recommendation = pd.DataFrame() # Check if all targets have valid values for target in self.targets: if data[].isna().any(): raise ValueError( f"The target '{}' has missing values or NaNs in the " f"provided dataframe. Missing target values are not supported." ) if data[].dtype.kind not in "iufb": raise TypeError( f"The target '{}' has non-numeric entries in the " f"provided dataframe. Non-numeric target values are not supported." ) # Check if all targets have valid values for param in self.parameters: if data[].isna().any(): raise ValueError( f"The parameter '{}' has missing values or NaNs in the " f"provided dataframe. Missing parameter values are not supported." ) if param.is_numerical and (data[].dtype.kind not in "iufb"): raise TypeError( f"The numerical parameter '{}' has non-numeric entries in" f" the provided dataframe." ) # Read in measurements and add them to the database self.n_batches_done += 1 to_insert = data.copy() to_insert["BatchNr"] = self.n_batches_done to_insert["FitNr"] = np.nan self._measurements_exp = pd.concat( [self._measurements_exp, to_insert], axis=0, ignore_index=True ) # Update metadata if self.searchspace.type in (SearchSpaceType.DISCRETE, SearchSpaceType.HYBRID): idxs_matched = fuzzy_row_match( self.searchspace.discrete.exp_rep, data, self.parameters, numerical_measurements_must_be_within_tolerance, ) self._searchspace_metadata.loc[idxs_matched, _MEASURED] = True # Telemetry telemetry_record_value(TELEM_LABELS["COUNT_ADD_RESULTS"], 1) telemetry_record_recommended_measurement_percentage( self._cached_recommendation, data, self.parameters, numerical_measurements_must_be_within_tolerance, )
[docs] def toggle_discrete_candidates( # noqa: DOC501 self, constraints: Collection[DiscreteConstraint] | pd.DataFrame, exclude: bool, complement: bool = False, dry_run: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """In-/exclude certain discrete points in/from the candidate set. Args: constraints: A filtering mechanism determining the candidates subset to be in-/excluded. Can be either a collection of :class:`~baybe.constraints.base.DiscreteConstraint` or a dataframe. For the latter, see :func:`~baybe.utils.dataframe.filter_df` for details. exclude: If ``True``, the specified candidates are excluded. If ``False``, the candidates are considered for recommendation. complement: If ``True``, the filtering mechanism is inverted so that the complement of the candidate subset specified by the filter is toggled. For details, see :func:`~baybe.utils.dataframe.filter_df`. dry_run: If ``True``, the target subset is only extracted but not affected. If ``False``, the candidate set is updated correspondingly. Useful for setting up the correct filtering mechanism. Returns: A new dataframe containing the discrete candidate set passing through the specified filter. """ # Clear cache self._cached_recommendation = pd.DataFrame() df = self.searchspace.discrete.exp_rep if isinstance(constraints, pd.DataFrame): # Determine the candidate subset to be toggled points = filter_df(df, constraints, complement) elif isinstance(constraints, Collection) and is_all_instance( constraints, DiscreteConstraint ): # TODO: Should be taken over by upcoming `SubspaceDiscrete.filter` method, # automatically choosing the appropriate backend (polars/pandas/...) # Filter the search space dataframe according to the given constraint idx = reduce( lambda x, y: x.intersection(y), (c.get_valid(df) for c in constraints) ) # Determine the candidate subset to be toggled points = df.drop(index=idx) if complement else df.loc[idx].copy() else: raise TypeError( "Candidate toggling is not implemented for the given type of " "constraint specifications." ) if not dry_run: self._searchspace_metadata.loc[points.index, _EXCLUDED] = exclude return points
[docs] def recommend( self, batch_size: int, pending_experiments: pd.DataFrame | None = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Provide the recommendations for the next batch of experiments. Args: batch_size: Number of requested recommendations. pending_experiments: Parameter configurations specifying experiments that are currently pending. Returns: Dataframe containing the recommendations in experimental representation. Raises: ValueError: If ``batch_size`` is smaller than 1. """ if batch_size < 1: raise ValueError( f"You must at least request one recommendation per batch, but provided " f"{batch_size=}." ) # Invalidate cached recommendation if pending experiments are provided if (pending_experiments is not None) and (len(pending_experiments) > 0): self._cached_recommendation = pd.DataFrame() # If there are cached recommendations and the batch size of those is equal to # the previously requested one, we just return those if len(self._cached_recommendation) == batch_size: return self._cached_recommendation # Update recommendation meta data if len(self._measurements_exp) > 0: self.n_fits_done += 1 self._measurements_exp.fillna({"FitNr": self.n_fits_done}, inplace=True) # Prepare the search space according to the current campaign state if self.searchspace.type is SearchSpaceType.DISCRETE: # TODO: This implementation should at some point be hidden behind an # appropriate public interface, like `SubspaceDiscrete.filter()` mask_todrop = self._searchspace_metadata[_EXCLUDED].copy() if not self.allow_recommending_already_recommended: mask_todrop |= self._searchspace_metadata[_RECOMMENDED] if not self.allow_recommending_already_measured: mask_todrop |= self._searchspace_metadata[_MEASURED] if ( not self.allow_recommending_pending_experiments and pending_experiments is not None ): mask_todrop |= pd.merge( self.searchspace.discrete.exp_rep, pending_experiments, indicator=True, how="left", )["_merge"].eq("both") searchspace = evolve( self.searchspace, discrete=FilteredSubspaceDiscrete.from_subspace( self.searchspace.discrete, ~mask_todrop.to_numpy() ), ) else: searchspace = self.searchspace # Pending experiments should not be passed to non-predictive recommenders # to avoid complaints about unused arguments, so we need to know of what # type the next recommender will be recommender = self.recommender if isinstance(recommender, MetaRecommender): recommender = recommender.get_non_meta_recommender( batch_size, searchspace, self.objective, self._measurements_exp, pending_experiments, ) is_nonpredictive = isinstance(recommender, NonPredictiveRecommender) # Get the recommended search space entries try: # NOTE: The `recommend` call must happen on `self.recommender` to update # potential inner states in case of meta recommenders! rec = self.recommender.recommend( batch_size, searchspace, self.objective, self._measurements_exp, None if is_nonpredictive else pending_experiments, ) except NotEnoughPointsLeftError as ex: # Aliases for code compactness f = fields(Campaign) ok_m = self.allow_recommending_already_measured ok_r = self.allow_recommending_already_recommended ok_p = self.allow_recommending_pending_experiments ok_m_name = ok_r_name = ok_p_name = no_blocked_pending_points = ok_p or (pending_experiments is None) # If there are no candidate restrictions to be relaxed if ok_m and ok_r and no_blocked_pending_points: raise ex # Otherwise, extract possible relaxations solution = [ f"'{name}=True'" for name, value in [ (ok_m_name, ok_m), (ok_r_name, ok_r), (ok_p_name, no_blocked_pending_points), ] if not value ] message = solution[0] if len(solution) == 1 else " and/or ".join(solution) raise NotEnoughPointsLeftError( f"{str(ex)} Consider setting {message}." ) from ex # Cache the recommendations self._cached_recommendation = rec.copy() # Update metadata if self.searchspace.type in (SearchSpaceType.DISCRETE, SearchSpaceType.HYBRID): self._searchspace_metadata.loc[rec.index, _RECOMMENDED] = True # Telemetry telemetry_record_value(TELEM_LABELS["COUNT_RECOMMEND"], 1) telemetry_record_value(TELEM_LABELS["BATCH_SIZE"], batch_size) return rec
[docs] def posterior(self, candidates: pd.DataFrame) -> Posterior: """Get the posterior predictive distribution for the given candidates. Args: candidates: The candidate points in experimental recommendations. For details, see :meth:`baybe.surrogates.base.Surrogate.posterior`. Raises: IncompatibilityError: If the underlying surrogate model exposes no method for computing the posterior distribution. Returns: Posterior: The corresponding posterior object. For details, see :meth:`baybe.surrogates.base.Surrogate.posterior`. """ surrogate = self.get_surrogate() if not hasattr(surrogate, method_name := "posterior"): raise IncompatibilityError( f"The used surrogate type '{surrogate.__class__.__name__}' does not " f"provide a '{method_name}' method." ) import torch with torch.no_grad(): return surrogate.posterior(candidates)
[docs] def get_surrogate( self, batch_size: int | None = None, pending_experiments: pd.DataFrame | None = None, ) -> SurrogateProtocol: """Get the current surrogate model. Args: batch_size: See :meth:`recommend`. Only required when using meta recommenders that demand it. pending_experiments: See :meth:`recommend`. Only required when using meta recommenders that demand it. Raises: RuntimeError: If the current recommender does not provide a surrogate model. Returns: Surrogate: The surrogate of the current recommender. Note: Currently, this method always returns the surrogate model with respect to the transformed target(s) / objective. This means that if you are using a ``SingleTargetObjective`` with a transformed target or a ``DesirabilityObjective``, the model's output will correspond to the transformed quantities and not the original untransformed target(s). """ if self.objective is None: raise IncompatibilityError( f"No surrogate is available since no '{Objective.__name__}' is defined." ) recommender: RecommenderProtocol if isinstance(self.recommender, MetaRecommender): recommender = self.recommender.get_non_meta_recommender( batch_size, self.searchspace, self.objective, self.measurements, pending_experiments, ) else: recommender = self.recommender if isinstance(recommender, BayesianRecommender): return recommender.get_surrogate( self.searchspace, self.objective, self.measurements ) else: raise RuntimeError( f"The current recommender is of type " f"'{recommender.__class__.__name__}', which does not provide " f"a surrogate model. Surrogate models are only available for " f"recommender subclasses of '{BayesianRecommender.__name__}'." )
def _add_version(dict_: dict) -> dict: """Add the package version to the given dictionary.""" from baybe import __version__ return {**dict_, "version": __version__} def _drop_version(dict_: dict) -> dict: """Drop the package version from the given dictionary.""" dict_.pop("version", None) return dict_ # Register (un-)structure hooks unstructure_hook = cattrs.gen.make_dict_unstructure_fn( Campaign, converter, _cattrs_include_init_false=True ) structure_hook = cattrs.gen.make_dict_structure_fn( Campaign, converter, _cattrs_include_init_false=True, _cattrs_forbid_extra_keys=True ) converter.register_unstructure_hook( Campaign, lambda x: _add_version(unstructure_hook(x)) ) converter.register_structure_hook( Campaign, lambda d, cl: structure_hook(_drop_version(d), cl) ) # Converter for config validation _validation_converter = converter.copy() _validation_converter.register_structure_hook( SearchSpace, validate_searchspace_from_config ) # Collect leftover original slotted classes processed by `attrs.define` gc.collect()