
A module that provides a NumPy based backend for computing the gradients of the factorization model. Shift-invariance is implemented via fast convolution in the Fourier domain using scipy.fft.rfftn() and scipy.fft.irfftn() with additional caching of the Fourier transformed arrays compared to tnmf.backends.NumPy_FFT.

Module Contents



Wrapper class for conveniently caching and switching back and forth between arrays in coordinate space and their


Proxy class for CachingFFT that provides access to array slices of the original object


A NumPy based backend that performs convolutions and contractions for computing the gradients of the factorization model

class tnmf.backends.NumPy_CachingFFT.CachingFFT(field_name: str, c: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, fft_axes: Optional[Tuple[int, Ellipsis]] = None, fft_shape: Optional[Tuple[int, Ellipsis]] = None, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None)

Wrapper class for conveniently caching and switching back and forth between arrays in coordinate space and their representations in Fourier space.

invalidate_f(self, also_c: bool = False)
__getitem__(self, s)
__imul__(self, other)
__itruediv__(self, other)
__sub__(self, other)numpy.ndarray
sum(self, *args, **kwargs)
property shape(self)Tuple[int, Ellipsis]
property has_c(self)bool

Check if the field in coordinate space has already been computed

property has_f(self)bool

Check if the field in fourier space has already been computed

property c(self)numpy.ndarray

Getter for field in coordinate space

property f(self)numpy.ndarray

Getter for field in fourier space

f_padded(self, pad_mode: Dict = None, pad_width: Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Ellipsis] = None)numpy.ndarray

Getter for padded field in fourier space

property f_reversed(self)numpy.ndarray

Getter for time-reversed field in fourier space, intentionally no setter for now

class tnmf.backends.NumPy_CachingFFT.CachingFFT_Sliced(parent: CachingFFT, s: slice)

Bases: CachingFFT

Proxy class for CachingFFT that provides access to array slices of the original object and keeps the caching logic intact

invalidate_f(self, also_c: bool = False)
class tnmf.backends.NumPy_CachingFFT.NumPy_CachingFFT_Backend(logger: logging.Logger = None, verbose: int = 0, **kwargs)

Bases: tnmf.backends._NumPyFFTBackend.NumPyFFTBackend

A NumPy based backend that performs convolutions and contractions for computing the gradients of the factorization model via FFT, similar to NumPy_FFT_Backend. However, the Fourier representations of the associated arrays are cached in order to reduce the number of Fourier transformations involved to a minimum.

static to_ndarray(arr: CachingFFT)numpy.ndarray
static convolve_multi_1d(arr: CachingFFT, kernels: Tuple[numpy.ndarray, Ellipsis], axes: Tuple[int, Ellipsis])CachingFFT
reconstruction_gradient_W(self, V: numpy.ndarray, W: CachingFFT, H: CachingFFT, s: slice = sliceNone)Tuple[CachingFFT, CachingFFT]
reconstruction_gradient_H(self, V: numpy.ndarray, W: CachingFFT, H: CachingFFT, s: slice = sliceNone)Tuple[CachingFFT, CachingFFT]
reconstruct(self, W: CachingFFT, H: CachingFFT)CachingFFT
partial_reconstruct(self, W: numpy.ndarray, H: numpy.ndarray, i_atom: int)numpy.ndarray