
baybe.utils.sampling_algorithms.farthest_point_sampling(points: ndarray, n_samples: int = 1, initialization: Literal['farthest', 'random'] = 'farthest')[source]

Sample points according to a farthest point heuristic.

Creates a subset of a collection of points by successively adding points with the largest Euclidean distance to intermediate point selections encountered during the algorithmic process.

  • points (ndarray) – The points that are available for selection, represented as a 2D array whose first dimension corresponds to the point index.

  • n_samples (int) – The total number of points to be selected.

  • initialization (Literal['farthest', 'random']) – Determines how the first points are selected. When "farthest" is chosen, the first two selected points are those with the largest distance. If only a single point is requested, it is selected randomly from these two. When "random" is chosen, the first point is selected uniformly at random.

Return type:



A list containing the positional indices of the selected points.


ValueError – If an unknown initialization recommender is used.