Transfer Learning

BayBE offers the possibility to mix data from multiple campaigns in order to accelerate optimization. Using data from multiple campaigns is currently supported when using a Gaussian Process Surrogate model and is implemented by the TaskParameter.


The term “Transfer Learning” is used in a lot of different ways. Within BayBE, “Transfer Learning” refers to combining data from multiple campaigns. Depending on the field, this might also be known as “contextual learning”. Further, note that the act of combining the data of several contexts can be done via multiple models, shared architectures, special kernels in a single model, etc. We do not necessarily want to limit to any of these methods, even though BayBE currently offers only a single one.

The role of TaskParameter

The TaskParameter is used to “mark” the context of an individual experiment. The set of all possible contexts is provided upon the initialization of a TaskParameter by providing them as values. In the following example, the context might be one of several reactors in which a chemical experiments can be conducted.

from baybe.parameters import TaskParameter

TaskParameter(name="Reactor", values=["ReactorA", "ReactorB", "ReactorC"])

If not specified further, a campaign using the TaskParameter as specified above would now make recommendations for all possible values of the parameter. Using the active_values argument upon initialization, this behavior can be changed such that the campaign only makes recommendations for the corresponding values.

The following example models a situation in which data from experiments in three different reactors are available, but new experiments should only be conducted in ReactorC.

from baybe.parameters import TaskParameter

    values=["ReactorA", "ReactorB", "ReactorC"],

This can be abstracted easily to other scenarios such as changing substrates (while screening same reaction conditions) or formulating mixtures for different cell lines:

    values=["3,5-dimethylisoxazole", "benzo[d]isoxazole", "5-methylisoxazole"],
    values=["Liver cell", "Heart cell", "Hamster brain cell"],
    active_values=["Liver cell"],

Seeing Transfer Learning in Action

We provide full example demonstrating BayBE’s transfer learning capabilities. We want to briefly discuss and highlight the results of this example in this user guide. The full example can be found here.

The example optimizes an analytical function, the so-called “Hartmann Function”. We use transfer learning by providing additional data that was obtained by evaluating a negated noisy variant of the same function.

The following plot demonstrates the effect that providing this additional data has:
