Foundry DevTools Exceptions#

Foundry API Errors#

Error mapping#

The mapping DEFAULT_ERROR_MAPPING maps the errors returned by the API to a custom exception class. The mapping provided to the ErrorHandlingConfig takes precedence over the default mapping.

Raise Foundry API Errors#

The ContextHTTPClient.request method raises the errors via the raise_foundry_api_error method, this means, in most of the cases a developer of an API client does not need to care about raising specific errors, as long they are in the error mapping.

The method only takes two arguments, the response and the error_handling argument takes either an ErrorHandlingConfig, None or False (True is not valid!). If error_handling is False, then no error handling will be done, if it is None it will use the default ErrorHandlingConfig, otherwise it will use the specified ErrorHandlingConfig.

def raise_foundry_api_error(
    response: requests.Response,
    error_handling: ErrorHandlingConfig | Literal[False] | None = None,
    """Raise a foundry API error through the ErrorHandlingConfig.

    Convenience function around ErrorHandlingConfig.get_exception.
    if error_handling is not False and (exc := (error_handling or ErrorHandlingConfig()).get_exception(response)):
        raise exc


The config takes two arguments api_error_mapping and info, both are optional. All keyword arguments will be saved, and will be passed to the constructor of the FoundryAPIError class.

The api_error_mapping argument can be used to map status codes and error names to exception classes that base on FoundryAPIError. When supplied with only a class and not a mapping, then all HTTP Errors will return this exception class.

The info argument can be used to add additional information to the exception, regardless of the class.

get_exception method#

This method is a simple wrapper around the [#get_exception_class method], if it returns a class it will instantiate it with the requests response, the info, and the kwargs provided.

get_exception_class method#

In the get_exception_class method of the ErrorHandlingConfig class resides the logic which selects the appropriate exception class.

This mermaid diagram shows what happens:

graph LR fun[get_exception_class] --> raise_for_status(response.raise_for_status) raise_for_status --> |HTTPError| http_error(api_error_mapping is?) raise_for_status --> |No Error| no_error(status code in error mapping?) http_error --> |None| check_default_error_mapping(error name in default error mapping) check_default_error_mapping --> |Yes| return_exception(return the exception) check_default_error_mapping --> |No| return_fapi(return FoundryAPIError class) http_error --> |dict| check_mapping(status code in error mapping?) check_mapping --> |Yes| return_status_exc(return the exception\nfor the status code) check_mapping --> |No| check_mapping_name(error name in mapping?) check_mapping_name --> |Yes| RTE(return the exception) check_mapping_name --> |No| return_fapi http_error --> |Exception class| RTEC(return the exception class) no_error --> |Yes| return_status_exc2(return the status exception) no_error --> |No| N(return None, as no HTTPError was raised,\nand the status code was not present\nin the error mapping)
    def get_exception_class(self, response: requests.Response) -> type[FoundryAPIError] | None:  # noqa: PLR0911
        """Returns the python exception class for the response."""
        except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
            if self.api_error_mapping is not None:
                if isinstance(self.api_error_mapping, dict):
                    if status_exception := self.api_error_mapping.get(response.status_code):
                        return status_exception

                    if (en := self._get_error_name(response)) and (exc := (self.api_error_mapping.get(en))):
                        return exc
                    return self.api_error_mapping
            if (en := self._get_error_name(response)) and (exc := DEFAULT_ERROR_MAPPING.get(en)):
                return exc
            return FoundryAPIError
            if isinstance(self.api_error_mapping, dict) and (exc := self.api_error_mapping.get(response.status_code)):
                return exc
        return None

Get parameters#

The exception parameters get handed to the exception class determined by the logic above.

Implement a custom exception#

Custom exceptions implement the FoundryAPIError class and can override the message attribute to a fitting error message.

An example implementation:

from foundry_dev_tools.errors.meta import FoundryAPIError
class ExampleError(FoundryAPIError):
    """Raised when the example exception happens."""
    message = "Example error happened :O"

Which could then be registered in the mapping:
