


The FoundryContext is the central object that loads and holds your configuration and token provider. The client is a ContextHTTPClient that gets shared by all APIClients that use the FoundryContext instance.

When initializing a FoundryContext without any parameters, the configuration gets loaded in the constructor from the config files and environment variables. If only the config parameter is set, only the token_provider will be loaded from files and environment variables and vice versa.


The ContextHTTPClient is based on the requests.Session class, the only difference is the auth_handler and request function.

The client automatically raises Foundry API errors, more information about error handling and configuration can be found here

The request method has the extra keyword argument error_handling, which can be either an ErrorHandlingConfig, False or None. The default is None, which uses an ErrorHandlingConfig created without arguments. When set to False, no automatic error handling will be done, and it’s up to you what you’ll do when the Response returns an error.

‘Low level’ API client methods also pass their **kwargs to the request method, so they can also use the error_handling.

auth handler#

The requests session has an auth parameter which is per default set to the requests_auth_handler method of the context token provider.