Source code for foundry_dev_tools.clients.compass

"""Implementation of the compass API."""

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Literal, overload

import requests

from foundry_dev_tools.clients.api_client import APIClient
from foundry_dev_tools.errors.compass import (
from foundry_dev_tools.errors.handling import ErrorHandlingConfig, raise_foundry_api_error
from foundry_dev_tools.utils import api_types
from foundry_dev_tools.utils.api_types import assert_in_literal

    from import Iterator




def get_decoration(
    decoration: api_types.ResourceDecorationSetAll | None,
    conv: Literal[False],
) -> api_types.ResourceDecorationSet | None: ...

def get_decoration(
    decoration: api_types.ResourceDecorationSetAll | None,
    conv: Literal[True],
) -> list[api_types.ResourceDecoration] | None: ...

def get_decoration(
    decoration: api_types.ResourceDecorationSetAll | None,
    conv: Literal[True] = ...,
) -> list[api_types.ResourceDecoration] | None: ...

[docs] def get_decoration( decoration: api_types.ResourceDecorationSetAll | None, conv: bool = True, ) -> list[api_types.ResourceDecoration] | api_types.ResourceDecorationSet | None: """Parses the decoration argument used by the compass client methods.""" if decoration == "all": return list(api_types.ALL_RESOURCE_DECORATIONS) if conv else api_types.ALL_RESOURCE_DECORATIONS return None if decoration is None else (list(decoration) if conv else decoration)
[docs] class CompassClient(APIClient): """CompassClient class that implements methods from the 'compass' API.""" api_name = "compass"
[docs] def api_get_resource( self, rid: api_types.Rid, decoration: api_types.ResourceDecorationSetAll | None = None, permissive_folders: bool | None = None, additional_operations: set[str] | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Gets the resource of the resource identifier. Args: rid: the identifier of the resource decoration: extra decoration entries in the response permissive_folders: if true read permissions are not needed if not in hidden folder additional_operations: include extra operations in result if user has the operation **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` """ params = {"decoration": get_decoration(decoration)} if permissive_folders is not None: params["permissiveFolders"] = permissive_folders # type: ignore[assignment] if additional_operations is not None: params["additionalOperations"] = list(additional_operations) # type: ignore[assignment] return self.api_request( "GET", f"resources/{rid}", params=params, error_handling=ErrorHandlingConfig(api_error_mapping={204: ResourceNotFoundError}), **kwargs, )
[docs] def api_get_resource_by_path( self, path: api_types.FoundryPath, decoration: api_types.ResourceDecorationSetAll | None = None, permissive_folders: bool | None = None, additional_operations: set[str] | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Gets the resource of the path. Args: path: the path of the resource decoration: extra decoration entries in the response permissive_folders: if true read permissions are not needed if not in hidden folder additional_operations: include extra operations in result if user has the operation **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` """ params = {"path": path, "decoration": get_decoration(decoration)} if permissive_folders is not None: params["permissiveFolders"] = permissive_folders # type: ignore[assignment] if additional_operations is not None: params["additionalOperations"] = list(additional_operations) # type: ignore[assignment] return self.api_request( "GET", "resources", params=params, error_handling=ErrorHandlingConfig(api_error_mapping={204: ResourceNotFoundError}, path=path), **kwargs, )
[docs] def api_check_name( self, parent_folder_rid: api_types.Rid, name: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Check if parent folder contains a child resource with the given name. Args: parent_folder_rid: the resource identifier of the parent folder that is checked name: the name to be checked **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` Returns: response: the response contains a json which is a bool, indicating whether the resource name already exists or not """ body = {} if name is not None: body["name"] = name return self.api_request( "POST", f"resources/{parent_folder_rid}/checkName", json=body, error_handling=ErrorHandlingConfig({"Compass:NotFound": FolderNotFoundError}), **kwargs, )
[docs] def api_add_to_trash( self, rids: set[api_types.Rid], user_bearer_token: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Add resource to trash. Args: rids: set of resource identifiers user_bearer_token: bearer token, needed when dealing with service project resources **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` """ response = self.api_request( "POST", "batch/trash/add", headers={"User-Bearer-Token": f"Bearer {user_bearer_token}"} if user_bearer_token else None, json=list(rids), **kwargs, ) if response.status_code != raise_foundry_api_error( response, ErrorHandlingConfig(info="Issue while moving resource(s) to trash.", rids=rids), ) return response
[docs] def api_restore( self, rids: set[api_types.Rid], user_bearer_token: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Restore resource from trash. Args: rids: set of resource identifiers user_bearer_token: bearer token, needed when dealing with service project resources **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` """ response = self.api_request( "POST", "batch/trash/restore", headers={"User-Bearer-Token": f"Bearer {user_bearer_token}"} if user_bearer_token else None, json=list(rids), **kwargs, ) if response.status_code != raise_foundry_api_error(response, ErrorHandlingConfig(info="Issue while restoring resource(s) from trash.")) return response
[docs] def api_delete_permanently( self, rids: set[api_types.Rid], delete_options: set[Literal["DO_NOT_REQUIRE_TRASHED", "DO_NOT_TRACK_PERMANENTLY_DELETED_RIDS"]] | None = None, user_bearer_token: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Permanently deletes a Resource. Args: rids: set of resource identifiers delete_options: delete options, self explanatory user_bearer_token: bearer token, needed when dealing with service project resources **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` """ return self.api_request( "POST", "trash/delete", headers={"User-Bearer-Token": f"Bearer {user_bearer_token}"} if user_bearer_token else None, params={"deleteOptions": list(delete_options) if delete_options else None}, json=list(rids), **kwargs, )
[docs] def api_create_folder( self, name: str, parent_id: api_types.Rid, marking_ids: set[str] | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Creates an empty folder in compass. Args: name: name of the new folder parent_id: rid of the parent folder, e.g. ri.compass.main.folder.aca0cce9-2419-4978-bb18-d4bc6e50bd7e marking_ids: marking IDs **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` Returns: response: which contains a json: with keys rid and name and other properties. """ json: dict[str, str | list] = {"name": name, "parentId": parent_id} if marking_ids: json["markingIds"] = list(marking_ids) return self.api_request( "POST", "folders", json=json, **kwargs, )
[docs] def api_get_path(self, rid: api_types.Rid, **kwargs) -> requests.Response: """Returns the compass path for the rid.""" kwargs.setdefault("error_handling", ErrorHandlingConfig(rid=rid)) return self.api_request( "GET", f"resources/{rid}/path-json", **kwargs, )
[docs] def api_get_paths(self, rids: list[api_types.Rid], **kwargs) -> requests.Response: """Get paths for RIDs. Args: rids: The identifiers of resources **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` """ return self.api_request( "POST", "batch/paths", json=rids, **kwargs, )
[docs] def get_paths( self, rids: list[api_types.Rid], ) -> dict[api_types.Rid, api_types.FoundryPath]: """Returns a dict which maps RIDs to Paths. Args: rids: The identifiers of resources Returns: dict: mapping between rid and path """ list_len = len(rids) if list_len < GET_PATHS_BATCH_SIZE: batches = [rids] else: batches = [rids[i : i + GET_PATHS_BATCH_SIZE] for i in range(0, list_len, GET_PATHS_BATCH_SIZE)] result: dict[api_types.Rid, api_types.FoundryPath] = {} for batch in batches: result = {**result, **self.api_get_paths(batch).json()} return result
[docs] def get_path( self, rid: api_types.Rid, ) -> api_types.FoundryPath | None: """Returns the Path of the resource or `None` if the resource does not exist. Args: rid: The identifier of the resource for which to retrieve the path Returns: path of the resource """ response = self.api_get_path(rid) if response.status_code == 200: return response.json() return None
[docs] def api_get_parent(self, rid: api_types.Rid, **kwargs) -> requests.Response: """Returns the parent of a given resource. Args: rid: The rid of the resource for which to obtain the parent **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` Returns: response: which contains a json that either holds the parent resource or None if no parent exists """ return self.api_request( "GET", f"resources/{rid}/parent", **kwargs, )
[docs] def api_get_children( self, rid: api_types.Rid, filter: set[str] | None = None, # noqa: A002 decoration: api_types.ResourceDecorationSetAll | None = None, limit: int | None = None, sort: str | None = None, page_token: str | None = None, permissive_folders: bool | None = None, include_operations: bool = False, additional_operations: str | None = None, ) -> requests.Response: """Returns children in a given compass folder. Args: rid: resource identifier filter: filter out resources, syntax "service.instance.type" decoration: extra information for the decorated resource limit: maximum items in a page sort: A space-delimited specifier of the form "[a][ b]" [a] can be "name", "lastModified", or "rid" [b] is optional and can be "asc" or "desc" (e.g. "rid asc", "name", "lastModified desc") page_token: start position for request permissive_folders: Allows folder access if any sub-resource is accessible, ignoring folder permissions Default is false, non-hidden folders only include_operations: Controls inclusion of Compass GK operations Is set to false in Foundry DevTools to improve performance. Set to `None` for Foundry instance default additional_operations: Adds specific user-permitted operations to response. Requires include_perations=True """ return self.api_request( "GET", f"folders/{rid}/children", params={ "filter": list(filter) if filter else None, "decoration": get_decoration(decoration), "limit": limit, "sort": sort, "pageToken": page_token, "permissiveFolders": permissive_folders, "includeOperations": include_operations, "additionalOperations": additional_operations, }, error_handling=ErrorHandlingConfig({"Compass:NotFound": FolderNotFoundError}), )
[docs] def get_child_objects_of_folder( self, rid: api_types.Rid, filter: set[str] | None = None, # noqa: A002 decoration: api_types.ResourceDecorationSetAll | None = None, limit: int | None = None, sort: str | None = None, permissive_folders: bool | None = None, include_operations: bool = False, additional_operations: str | None = None, ) -> Iterator[dict]: """Returns children in a given compass folder (automatic pagination). Args: rid: resource identifier filter: filter out resources, syntax "service.instance.type" decoration: extra information for the decorated resource limit: maximum items in a page sort: A space-delimited specifier of the form "[a][ b]" [a] can be "name", "lastModified", or "rid" [b] is optional and can be "asc" or "desc" (e.g. "rid asc", "name", "lastModified desc") permissive_folders: Allows folder access if any sub-resource is accessible, ignoring folder permissions Default is false, non-hidden folders only include_operations: Controls inclusion of Compass GK operations Is set to false in Foundry DevTools to improve performance. Set to `None` for Foundry instance default additional_operations: Adds specific user-permitted operations to response. Requires include_perations=True """ page_token = None while True: response_as_json = self.api_get_children( rid=rid, filter=filter, decoration=decoration, limit=limit, sort=sort, page_token=page_token, permissive_folders=permissive_folders, include_operations=include_operations, additional_operations=additional_operations, ).json() yield from response_as_json["values"] if (page_token := response_as_json["nextPageToken"]) is None: break
[docs] def api_move_children( self, folder_rid: api_types.FolderRid, children: set[api_types.Rid], roles_map: dict[api_types.RoleId, list[api_types.RoleId]] | None = None, options: set[api_types.MoveResourcesOption] | None = None, expected_parents: dict[api_types.Rid, api_types.Rid] | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Moves a list of resources to the given folder. Args: folder_rid: The resource identifier of the destination compass folder children: A set of resource identifiers for which the resources should be moved to the destination folder roles_map: Mapping that allows updating role grants on move, e.g. when moving resources between projects with different role sets. The mapping must contain an entry for any non-deleted roles in any role set that exists on the source but not on the destination, unless specifying `REMOVE_ROLE_GRANTS` in options. This cannot be used to map from role sets that are present at both the source and the destination options: Set of options to give control about the way resources should be moved expected_parents: A map from moved resource to expected current parent. **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` Raises: ResourcesNotFoundError: if destination folder does not exist ForbiddenOperationOnHiddenResource: if destination or any resources to move are hidden resources ForbiddenOperationOnServiceProjectResources: if destination or any of the resources to move are service projects or service project resources DuplicateNameError: if a resource with the given name already exists CircularDependencyError: if the destination is the resource itself or one of its children UsersNamespaceOperationForbiddenError: if trying to move projects in or out of the Users namespace CannotMoveResourcesUnderHiddenResourceError: if the destination is a hidden resource UnexpectedParentError: if a parent is specified that does not match the resource's current parent """ body = {"children": list(children)} if options: for option in options: assert_in_literal(option, api_types.MoveResourcesOption, "options") body["options"] = list(options) if roles_map: body["rolesMap"] = roles_map if expected_parents: body["expectedParents"] = expected_parents return self.api_request("POST", f"folders/{folder_rid}/children", json=body, **kwargs)
[docs] def api_get_resources( self, rids: set[api_types.Rid], decoration: api_types.ResourceDecorationSetAll | None = None, include_operations: bool = False, additional_operations: set[str] | None = None, ) -> requests.Response: """Returns the resources for the RIDs. Args: rids: the resource identifiers decoration: extra information to add to the result include_operations: Controls inclusion of Compass GK operations. Is set to false in Foundry DevTools to improve performance. Set to `None` for Foundry instance default. additional_operations: Adds specific user-permitted operations to response. Requires include_perations=True. """ return self.api_request( "POST", "batch/resources", params={ "decoration": get_decoration(decoration), "includeOperations": include_operations, "additionalOperations": list(additional_operations) if additional_operations else None, }, json=list(rids), )
[docs] def api_process_marking( self, rid: api_types.Rid, marking_id: api_types.MarkingId, path_operation_type: api_types.PatchOperation, user_bearer_token: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Process marking to add or remove from resource. Args: rid: resource identifier of the resource for which a marking is adjusted marking_id: The id of the marking to be used path_operation_type: path operation type, see :py:class:`api_types.PatchOperation` user_bearer_token: bearer token, needed when dealing with service project resources **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` """ assert_in_literal(path_operation_type, api_types.PatchOperation, "path_operation_type") body = {"markingPatches": [{"markingId": marking_id, "patchOperation": path_operation_type}]} return self.api_request( "POST", f"markings/{rid}", headers={"User-Bearer-Token": f"Bearer {user_bearer_token}"} if user_bearer_token else None, json=body, **kwargs, )
[docs] def add_marking( self, rid: api_types.Rid, marking_id: api_types.MarkingId, user_bearer_token: str | None = None, ) -> requests.Response: """Add marking to resource. Args: rid: resource identifier of the resource for which a marking will be added marking_id: The id of the marking to be added user_bearer_token: bearer token, needed when dealing with service project resources """ return self.api_process_marking(rid, marking_id, "ADD", user_bearer_token)
[docs] def remove_marking( self, rid: api_types.Rid, marking_id: api_types.MarkingId, user_bearer_token: str | None = None, ) -> requests.Response: """Remove marking from resource. Args: rid: resource identifier of the resource for which a marking will be removed marking_id: The id of the marking to be removed user_bearer_token: bearer token, needed when dealing with service project resources """ return self.api_process_marking(rid, marking_id, "REMOVE", user_bearer_token)
[docs] def api_add_imports( self, project_rid: api_types.ProjectRid, rids: set[api_types.Rid], user_bearer_token: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Add reference to a project via import. Args: project_rid: resource identifier of the project rids: set of resource identifiers of the resources being imported user_bearer_token: bearer token, needed when dealing with service project resources **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` """ body = {"requests": [{"resourceRid": rid} for rid in rids]} return self.api_request( "POST", f"projects/imports/{project_rid}/import", headers={"User-Bearer-Token": f"Bearer {user_bearer_token}"} if user_bearer_token else None, json=body, **kwargs, )
[docs] def api_remove_imports( self, project_rid: api_types.ProjectRid, rids: set[api_types.Rid], user_bearer_token: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Remove imported reference from a project. Args: project_rid: resource identifier of the project rids: set of resource identifiers of the resources that will be removed from import user_bearer_token: bearer token, needed when dealing with service project resources **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` """ body = {"resourceRids": list(rids)} return self.api_request( "DELETE", f"projects/imports/{project_rid}/import", headers={"User-Bearer-Token": f"Bearer {user_bearer_token}"} if user_bearer_token else None, json=body, **kwargs, )
[docs] def api_get_imports( self, project_rid: api_types.ProjectRid, import_filter: api_types.ImportType | None = None, page_size: int = DEFAULT_IMPORTS_PAGE_SIZE, page_token: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Returns a list of imported resources along some dangling imports for the specified project. Args: project_rid: The resource identifier of the project for which to retrieve the imports import_filter: Filter for specific imports only page_size: The number of elements to fetch in one request. It is restricted to 100 at most and defaults to this value in case it should exceed page_token: start position for request **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` Returns: response: Besides a `nextPageToken` which marks the start position for the next request but may be None the response also contains a list of imports and dangling imports """ if page_size < MINIMUM_IMPORTS_PAGE_SIZE: warnings.warn( f"Parameter `page_size` ({page_size}) is less than " f"the minimum page size ({MINIMUM_IMPORTS_PAGE_SIZE}). " f"Defaulting to {MINIMUM_IMPORTS_PAGE_SIZE}." ) page_size = MINIMUM_IMPORTS_PAGE_SIZE elif page_size > MAXIMUM_IMPORTS_PAGE_SIZE: warnings.warn( f"Parameter `page_size` ({page_size}) is greater than " f"the maximum page size ({MAXIMUM_IMPORTS_PAGE_SIZE}). " f"Defaulting to {MAXIMUM_IMPORTS_PAGE_SIZE}." ) page_size = MAXIMUM_IMPORTS_PAGE_SIZE body = {"pageSize": page_size} if import_filter: assert_in_literal(import_filter, api_types.ImportType, "import_filter") body["importFilter"] = import_filter if page_token: body["pageToken"] = page_token return self.api_request( "POST", f"projects/imports/{project_rid}", json=body, **kwargs, )
[docs] def get_imports( self, project_rid: api_types.ProjectRid, import_filter: api_types.ImportType | None = None, page_size: int = DEFAULT_IMPORTS_PAGE_SIZE, ) -> Iterator[dict]: """Returns a list of imported resources for the specified project (automatic pagination). Args: project_rid: The resource identifier of the project for which to retrieve the imports import_filter: Filter for specific imports only page_size: The number of elements to fetch in one request. It is restricted to 100 at most and defaults to this value in case it should exceed Returns: Iterator[dict]: Returns an interator holding the imported resources. """ page_token = None while True: response_as_json = self.api_get_imports( project_rid=project_rid, import_filter=import_filter, page_size=page_size, page_token=page_token, ).json() yield from response_as_json["values"] page_token = response_as_json["nextPageToken"] if page_token is None: break
[docs] def get_dangling_imports( self, project_rid: api_types.ProjectRid, import_filter: api_types.ImportType | None = None, page_size: int = DEFAULT_IMPORTS_PAGE_SIZE, ) -> Iterator[dict]: """Returns a list of dangling imports for the specified project (automatic pagination). Args: project_rid: The resource identifier of the project for which to retrieve the imports import_filter: Filter for specific imports only page_size: The number of elements to fetch in one request. It is restricted to 100 at most and defaults to this value in case it should exceed Returns: Iterator[dict]: Returns an interator holding the imported resources. """ page_token = None while True: response_as_json = self.api_get_imports( project_rid=project_rid, import_filter=import_filter, page_size=page_size, page_token=page_token, ).json() yield from response_as_json["danglingImports"] page_token = response_as_json["nextPageToken"] if page_token is None: break
[docs] def api_set_name( self, rid: api_types.Rid, name: str, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Remove imported reference from a project. Args: rid: resource identifier of the resource whose name will be changed name: The resource name that should be set **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` """ body = {"name": name} return self.api_request( "POST", f"resources/{rid}/name", json=body, **kwargs, )
[docs] def api_resources_exist( self, rids: set[api_types.Rid], **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Check if resources exist. Args: rids: set of resource identifiers to check whether they exist **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` Returns: dict: with key-value pairs, where the key is the rid of the checked resource and the value indicates whether the resource exists or not. """ return self.api_request( "POST", "batch/resources/exist", json=list(rids), **kwargs, )
[docs] def resources_exist(self, rids: set[api_types.Rid]) -> dict[api_types.Rid, bool]: """Check if resources exist. Args: rids: set of resource identifiers to check whether they exist Returns: dict: mapping between rid and bool as indicator for resource existence """ return self.api_resources_exist(rids).json()
[docs] def resource_exists( self, rid: api_types.Rid, ) -> bool: """Check if resource exists. Args: rid: resource identifier of resource to check whether it exists Returns: bool: true if resource exists, false otherwise """ result = self.resources_exist({rid}) return result.get(rid, False)
[docs] def api_get_projects_by_rids(self, rids: list[api_types.ProjectRid], **kwargs) -> requests.Response: """Fetch projects by their resource identifiers. Args: rids: list of project resource identifiers that shall be fetched **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` Returns: response: which contains a json dict: with project information about every project """ return self.api_request( "PUT", "hierarchy/v2/batch/projects", json=rids, **kwargs, )
[docs] def get_projects_by_rids( self, rids: list[api_types.ProjectRid], ) -> dict[api_types.ProjectRid, dict[str, Any]]: """Returns a dict which maps rids to projects. Args: rids: list of project resource identifiers that shall be fetched Returns: dict: mapping between rid and project """ list_len = len(rids) if list_len < GET_PATHS_BATCH_SIZE: batches = [rids] else: batches = [rids[i : i + GET_PATHS_BATCH_SIZE] for i in range(0, list_len, GET_PROJECTS_BATCH_SIZE)] result: dict[api_types.FolderRid, dict[str, Any]] = {} for batch in batches: result.update(self.api_get_projects_by_rids(batch).json()) return result
[docs] def get_project_by_rid( self, rid: api_types.ProjectRid, ) -> dict[str, Any] | None: """Returns a single project. Args: rid: resource identifier of a project to be fetched Returns: dict: mapping of project attribute keys and their respective values """ result = self.api_get_projects_by_rids([rid]).json() return result.get(rid)
[docs] def api_resolve_path(self, path: api_types.FoundryPath, **kwargs) -> requests.Response: """Fetch all resources that are part of the path string. Args: path: path: the path of the resource **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` Returns: response: the response contains a json which is a list of resources representing the path components """ return self.api_request( "GET", "paths", params={"path": path}, **kwargs, )
[docs] def api_search_projects( self, query: str | None = None, decorations: api_types.ResourceDecorationSetAll | None = None, organizations: set[api_types.Rid] | None = None, tags: set[api_types.Rid] | None = None, roles: set[api_types.RoleId] | None = None, include_home_projects: bool | None = None, direct_role_grant_principal_ids: dict[str, list[api_types.RoleId]] | None = None, sort: api_types.SortSpec | None = None, page_size: int = DEFAULT_PROJECTS_PAGE_SIZE, page_token: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Returns a list of projects satisfying the search criteria. Args: query: search term for the project decorations: extra information for the decorated resource organizations: queries only for organizations with these marking identifiers tags: only includes projects with these tags roles: filters for projects where the user has one of the roles include_home_projects: whether to consider home projects of the user direct_role_grant_principal_ids: only return projects for which the role identifiers for given principal identifiers have been granted sort: see :py:meth:`foundry_dev_tools.utils.api_types.Sort` page_size: the maximum number of projects to return. Must be in the range 0 < N <= 500 page_token: start position for request. Must be in the range 0 <= N <= 500 **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` Returns: response: the response contains a json which is a dict with a list of projects and an optional nextPageToken in case all the projects could not be fetched all at once Raises: ValueError: When `page_token` is in inappropriate format. Should be a number in the range 0 <= N <= 500. """ if decorations is not None: decorations = get_decoration(decorations) if page_size < MINIMUM_PROJECTS_PAGE_SIZE: warnings.warn( f"Parameter `page_size` ({page_size}) is less than " f"the minimum page size ({MINIMUM_PROJECTS_PAGE_SIZE}). " f"Defaulting to {MINIMUM_PROJECTS_PAGE_SIZE}." ) page_size = MINIMUM_PROJECTS_PAGE_SIZE elif page_size > MAXIMUM_PROJECTS_PAGE_SIZE: warnings.warn( f"Parameter `page_size` ({page_size}) is greater than " f"the maximum page size ({MAXIMUM_PROJECTS_PAGE_SIZE}). " f"Defaulting to {MAXIMUM_PROJECTS_SEARCH_OFFSET}." ) page_size = MAXIMUM_PROJECTS_PAGE_SIZE if page_token is not None: if page_token.isdecimal() is False: msg = ( f"Parameter `page_token` ({page_token}) is expected to contain a number " f"as the starting offset for the request. " f"The search offset must be within the range from " f"{MINIMUM_PROJECTS_SEARCH_OFFSET} to {MAXIMUM_PROJECTS_SEARCH_OFFSET}." ) raise ValueError(msg) page_token_int = int(page_token) if page_token_int < MINIMUM_PROJECTS_SEARCH_OFFSET: msg = ( f"Parameter `page_token` ({page_token_int}) is less than " f"the minimum search offset ({MINIMUM_PROJECTS_SEARCH_OFFSET})" ) raise ValueError(msg) if page_token_int > MAXIMUM_PROJECTS_SEARCH_OFFSET: msg = ( f"Parameter `page_token` ({page_token_int}) is greater than " f"the maximum search offset ({MAXIMUM_PROJECTS_SEARCH_OFFSET})" ) raise ValueError(msg) body = { "query": query, "decorations": decorations, "organizations": list(organizations) if organizations else None, "tags": list(tags) if tags else None, "roles": list(roles) if roles else None, "includeHomeProjects": include_home_projects, "directRoleGrantPrincipalIds": direct_role_grant_principal_ids, "sort": sort, "pageSize": page_size, "pageToken": page_token, } return self.api_request( "POST", "search/projects", json=body, **kwargs, )
[docs] def search_projects( self, query: str | None = None, decorations: api_types.ResourceDecorationSetAll | None = None, organizations: set[api_types.Rid] | None = None, tags: set[api_types.Rid] | None = None, roles: set[api_types.RoleId] | None = None, include_home_projects: bool | None = None, direct_role_grant_principal_ids: dict[str, list[api_types.RoleId]] | None = None, sort: api_types.SortSpec | None = None, page_size: int = DEFAULT_PROJECTS_PAGE_SIZE, ) -> Iterator[dict]: """Returns a list of projects satisfying the search criteria (automatic pagination). Args: query: search term for the project decorations: extra information for the decorated resource organizations: queries only for organizations with these marking identifiers tags: only includes projects with these tags roles: filters for projects where the user has one of the roles include_home_projects: whether to consider home projects of the user direct_role_grant_principal_ids: only return projects for which the role identifiers for given principal identifiers have been granted sort: see :py:meth:`foundry_dev_tools.utils.api_types.Sort` page_size: the maximum number of projects to return. Must be in the range 0 < N <= 500 Returns: Iterator[dict]: which contains the project data as a dict """ page_token = None while True: response_as_json = self.api_search_projects( query=query, decorations=decorations, organizations=organizations, tags=tags, roles=roles, include_home_projects=include_home_projects, direct_role_grant_principal_ids=direct_role_grant_principal_ids, sort=sort, page_size=page_size, page_token=page_token, ).json() yield from response_as_json["values"] page_token = response_as_json["nextPageToken"] if page_token is None or (int(page_token) > MAXIMUM_PROJECTS_PAGE_SIZE): break
[docs] def api_get_resource_roles( self, rids: set[api_types.Rid], **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Retrieve the role grants for a set of resources. Args: rids: set of resource identifiers, for the resources for which the role grants should be returned **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` Returns: response: which consists of a json returning a mapping between resource identifier and the associated grants """ body = {"rids": list(rids)} return self.api_request("POST", "roles", json=body, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_resource_roles( self, rids: set[api_types.Rid], ) -> dict[api_types.Rid, api_types.ResourceGrantsResult]: """Returns a mapping between resource identifier and resource grants result. Args: rids: set of resource identifiers, for the resources for which the role grants should be returned """ return self.api_get_resource_roles(rids).json()
[docs] def api_update_project_roles( self, project_rid: api_types.Rid, role_grant_patches: set[api_types.RoleGrantPatch] | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Updates the role grants for a project resource. Args: project_rid: resource identifier, for the resource for which roles will be updated role_grant_patches: list of role grants that should be patched. grant_patches have the following structure [{ "patchOperation": "ADD" | "REMOVE", "roleGrant": { "role": roleset_id, "principal": { "id": multipass_id, "type": "USER" | "GROUP" | "EVERYONE" } } }] **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` """ body = {} if role_grant_patches is not None: body["roleGrantPatches"] = list(role_grant_patches) return self.api_request( "POST", f"hierarchy/projects/{project_rid}", json=body, **kwargs, )
[docs] def api_update_resource_roles( self, rid: api_types.Rid, grant_patches: set[api_types.RoleGrantPatch] | None = None, disable_inherited_permissions_for_principals: set[api_types.UserGroupPrincipalPatch] | None = None, disable_inherited_permissions: bool | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Updates the role grants for a resource (non-project). This endpoint cannot be used for projects or service project resources. To update roles on a project, use api_update_project_roles(). Args: rid: resource identifier, for the resource for which roles will be updated grant_patches: list of role grants that should be patched. grant_patches have the following structure [{ "patchOperation": "ADD" | "REMOVE", "roleGrant": { "role": roleset_id, "principal": { "id": multipass_id, "type": "USER" | "GROUP" | "EVERYONE" } } }] disable_inherited_permissions_for_principals: patch role grants for the provided inherited permissions disable_inherited_permissions: disable inherited permissions **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` """ body = {} if grant_patches is not None: body["grantPatches"] = list(grant_patches) if disable_inherited_permissions_for_principals is not None: body["disableInheritedPermissionsForPrincipals"] = list(disable_inherited_permissions_for_principals) if disable_inherited_permissions is not None: body["disableInheritedPermissions"] = disable_inherited_permissions return self.api_request( "POST", f"roles/v2/{rid}", json=body, **kwargs, )
[docs] def api_get_home_folder( self, decoration: api_types.ResourceDecorationSetAll | None = None, additional_operations: set[str] | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Returns the resource representing the user's home project or if it does not exist tries to create the folder. Args: decoration: extra decoration entries in the response additional_operations: include extra operations in result if user has the operation **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` Returns: response: the response contains a json which is a dict representing the decorated resource. It might be `None` if the user cannot access its home folder or if creation is not possible. """ params = {"decoration": get_decoration(decoration)} if additional_operations is not None: params["additionalOperations"] = list(additional_operations) # type: ignore[assignment] return self.api_request( "GET", "folders/home/v2", params=params, **kwargs, )
[docs] def api_get_decorated_organization_and_project_information( self, rids: set[api_types.Rid], decoration: api_types.ResourceDecorationSetAll | None = None, additional_operations: set[str] | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Returns the associated namespace and project information for a list of rids. At most 500 resources should be requested at once. Args: rids: The rids for which to fetch namespace and project information decoration: extra decoration entries in the response additional_operations: include extra operations in result if user has the operation **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` Returns: response: the response contains a json which maps a resource identifier to namespace and project information """ params = {"decoration": get_decoration(decoration)} if additional_operations: params["additionalOperations"] = list(additional_operations) # type: ignore[assignment] return self.api_request( "POST", "batch/hierarchy/projects/decorated", json=list(rids), params=params, **kwargs, )
[docs] def api_get_all_namespace_rids( self, include_internal_namespaces: bool | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """For a list of rids return the associated namespace and project information. Args: include_internal_namespaces: When set to true, namespaces created by the Compass system will be included in the response. Default is `False` **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` Returns: response: the response contains a list of all namespace rids """ params = {} if include_internal_namespaces is not None: params["includeInternalNamespaces"] = include_internal_namespaces return self.api_request( "GET", "hierarchy/v2/all-namespace-rids", params=params, **kwargs, )