Source code for foundry_dev_tools.clients.data_proxy

"""The DataProxy API client."""

from __future__ import annotations

import shutil
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from functools import partial
from itertools import repeat
from typing import IO, TYPE_CHECKING, AnyStr, Literal, overload
from urllib.parse import quote, quote_plus

from foundry_dev_tools.clients.api_client import APIClient
from foundry_dev_tools.errors.handling import ErrorHandlingConfig
from foundry_dev_tools.errors.meta import FoundryAPIError
from foundry_dev_tools.utils.api_types import (

    from pathlib import Path

    import pandas as pd
    import pyarrow as pa
    import pyspark
    import requests

[docs] class DataProxyClient(APIClient): """DataProxyClient class that implements methods from the 'foundry-data-proxy' API.""" api_name = "foundry-data-proxy"
[docs] def upload_dataset_file( self, dataset_rid: DatasetRid, transaction_rid: TransactionRid, path: Path, path_in_foundry_dataset: PathInDataset, ) -> requests.Response: """Uploads a file into a foundry dataset. Args: dataset_rid: Unique identifier of the dataset transaction_rid: transaction id path: File to upload path_in_foundry_dataset: The destination path in the dataset """ # when changing code, check Dataset.upload_file, too with"rb") as file_data: return self.api_put_file( dataset_rid, transaction_rid, path_in_foundry_dataset, file_data, )
[docs] def upload_dataset_files( self, dataset_rid: DatasetRid, transaction_rid: TransactionRid, path_file_dict: dict[PathInDataset, Path], max_workers: int | None = None, ): """Uploads multiple local files to a foundry dataset. Args: dataset_rid: dataset rid transaction_rid: transaction id max_workers: Set number of threads for upload path_file_dict: A dictionary with the following structure: .. code-block:: python { '<path_in_foundry_dataset>': '<local_file_path>', ... } """ if (max_workers is not None and max_workers <= 1) or len(path_file_dict) <= 1: for key, value in path_file_dict.items(): self.upload_dataset_file( dataset_rid, transaction_rid, path=value, path_in_foundry_dataset=key, ) else: with ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=max_workers, ) as pool: for future in [ pool.submit(self.upload_dataset_file, dataset_rid, transaction_rid, v, k) for k, v in path_file_dict.items() ]: future.result()
@overload def query_foundry_sql_legacy( self, query: str, return_type: Literal["pandas"], branch: Ref = ..., sql_dialect: SqlDialect = ..., timeout: int = ..., ) -> pd.core.frame.DataFrame: ... @overload def query_foundry_sql_legacy( self, query: str, return_type: Literal["spark"], branch: Ref = ..., sql_dialect: SqlDialect = ..., timeout: int = ..., ) -> pyspark.sql.DataFrame: ... @overload def query_foundry_sql_legacy( self, query: str, return_type: Literal["arrow"], branch: Ref = ..., sql_dialect: SqlDialect = ..., timeout: int = ..., ) -> pa.Table: ... @overload def query_foundry_sql_legacy( self, query: str, return_type: Literal["raw"], branch: Ref = ..., sql_dialect: SqlDialect = ..., timeout: int = ..., ) -> tuple[dict, list[list]]: ... @overload def query_foundry_sql_legacy( self, query: str, return_type: SQLReturnType = ..., branch: Ref = ..., sql_dialect: SqlDialect = ..., timeout: int = ..., ) -> tuple[dict, list[list]] | pd.core.frame.DataFrame | pa.Table | pyspark.sql.DataFrame: ...
[docs] def query_foundry_sql_legacy( self, query: str, return_type: SQLReturnType = "raw", branch: Ref = "master", sql_dialect: SqlDialect = "SPARK", timeout: int = 600, ) -> tuple[dict, list[list]] | pd.core.frame.DataFrame | pa.Table | pyspark.sql.DataFrame: """Queries the dataproxy query API with spark SQL. Example: query_foundry_sql_legacy(query="SELECT * FROM `/Global/Foundry Operations/Foundry Support/iris`", branch="master") Args: query: the sql query branch: the branch of the dataset / query return_type: See :py:class:`foundry_dev_tools.utils.api_types.SQLReturnType` sql_dialect: the SQL dialect used for the query timeout: the query request timeout Returns: tuple (dict, list): (foundry_schema, data) data: contains the data matrix, foundry_schema: the foundry schema (fieldSchemaList key). Can be converted to a pandas Dataframe, see below .. code-block:: python foundry_schema, data = self.query_foundry_sql_legacy(query, branch) df = pd.DataFrame( data=data, columns=[e["name"] for e in foundry_schema["fieldSchemaList"]] ) Raises: ValueError: if return_type is not in :py:class:SQLReturnType DatasetHasNoSchemaError: if dataset has no schema BranchNotFoundError: if branch was not found """ assert_in_literal(return_type, SQLReturnType, "return_type") response = self.api_query_with_fallbacks2( query, [branch], sql_dialect, error_handling=ErrorHandlingConfig(branch=branch), timeout=timeout, ) response_json = response.json() if return_type == "raw": return response_json["foundrySchema"], response_json["rows"] if return_type == "pandas": from foundry_dev_tools._optional.pandas import pd return pd.DataFrame( data=response_json["rows"], columns=[e["name"] for e in response_json["foundrySchema"]["fieldSchemaList"]], ) if return_type == "arrow": from foundry_dev_tools._optional.pyarrow import pa return pa.table( data=response_json["rows"], names=[e["name"] for e in response_json["foundrySchema"]["fieldSchemaList"]], ) if return_type == "spark": from foundry_dev_tools.utils.converter.foundry_spark import ( foundry_schema_to_spark_schema, foundry_sql_data_to_spark_dataframe, ) return foundry_sql_data_to_spark_dataframe( data=response_json["rows"], spark_schema=foundry_schema_to_spark_schema( response_json["foundrySchema"], ), ) return None
[docs] def download_dataset_file( self, dataset_rid: DatasetRid, output_directory: Path, foundry_file_path: PathInDataset, view: View = "master", ) -> Path: """Downloads a single foundry dataset file into a directory. The local folder (and its parents) will be created if it does not exist. If you want the bytes instead of downloading it to a file use :py:meth:`DataProxyClient.api_get_file_in_view` directly. Args: dataset_rid: the dataset rid output_directory: the local output directory for the file foundry_file_path: the file_path on the foundry file system view: branch or transaction rid of the dataset Returns: Path: local file path """ local_path = output_directory.joinpath(foundry_file_path) local_path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) resp = self.api_get_file_in_view( dataset_rid, view, foundry_file_path, stream=True, ) with"wb+") as out_file: resp.raw.decode_content = True shutil.copyfileobj(resp.raw, out_file) return local_path
[docs] def download_dataset_files( self, dataset_rid: DatasetRid, output_directory: Path, files: set[PathInDataset] | None = None, view: View = "master", max_workers: int | None = None, ) -> list[Path]: """Downloads files of a dataset (in parallel) to a local output directory. Args: dataset_rid: the dataset rid files: list of files or None, in which case all files are downloaded output_directory: the output directory for the files view: branch or transaction rid of the dataset max_workers: Set number of threads for upload Returns: list[str]: path to downloaded files """ if files is None: file_resources = self.context.catalog.list_dataset_files( dataset_rid=dataset_rid, exclude_hidden_files=True, end_ref=view, ) files = {fr["logicalPath"] for fr in file_resources} if len(files) == 0: msg = f"Dataset {dataset_rid} does not contain any files to download." raise FoundryAPIError(info=msg) if max_workers == 1 or len(files) == 1: local_paths = [self.download_dataset_file(dataset_rid, output_directory, file, view) for file in files] else: with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as pool: local_paths = list( partial(self.download_dataset_file, dataset_rid, output_directory), files, repeat(view), ), ) return list(filter(lambda p: p != "", local_paths))
[docs] def api_put_file( self, dataset_rid: DatasetRid, transaction_rid: TransactionRid, logical_path: PathInDataset, file_data: str | bytes | IO[AnyStr], overwrite: bool | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Opens, writes, and closes a file under the specified dataset and transaction. Args: dataset_rid: dataset rid transaction_rid: transaction rid logical_path: file path in dataset file_data: content of the file overwrite: defaults to false, if true -> Overwrite the file if it already exists in the transaction. **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` """ # when changing code, check Dataset.put_file, too params = {"logicalPath": logical_path} if overwrite is not None: params["overwrite"] = overwrite # type: ignore[assignment] return self.api_request( "POST", f"dataproxy/datasets/{dataset_rid}/transactions/{transaction_rid}/putFile", headers={"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream"}, params=params, data=file_data, error_handling=ErrorHandlingConfig( info="Issue while uploading file to dataset", dataset_rid=dataset_rid, transaction_rid=transaction_rid, logical_path=logical_path, ), **kwargs, )
[docs] def api_get_file( self, dataset_rid: DatasetRid, transaction_rid: TransactionRid, logical_path: PathInDataset, range_header: str | None = None, requests_stream: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Returns a file from the specified dataset and transaction. Args: dataset_rid: dataset rid transaction_rid: transaction rid logical_path: path in dataset range_header: HTTP range header requests_stream: passed to :py:meth:`requests.Session.request` as `stream` **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` """ return self.api_request( "GET", f"dataproxy/datasets/{dataset_rid}/transactions/{transaction_rid}/{quote(logical_path)}", headers={"Range": range_header} if range_header else None, stream=requests_stream, **kwargs, )
[docs] def api_get_file_in_view( self, dataset_rid: DatasetRid, end_ref: View, logical_path: PathInDataset, start_transaction_rid: TransactionRid | None = None, range_header: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Returns a file from the specified dataset and end ref. Args: dataset_rid: dataset rid end_ref: end ref/view logical_path: PathInDataset start_transaction_rid: start transaction rid range_header: HTTP range header **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` """ return self.api_request( "GET", f"dataproxy/datasets/{dataset_rid}/views/{quote_plus(end_ref)}/{quote(logical_path)}", params={"startTransactionRid": start_transaction_rid} if start_transaction_rid else None, headers={"Range": range_header} if range_header else None, **kwargs, )
[docs] def api_get_files( self, dataset_rid: DatasetRid, transaction_rid: TransactionRid, logical_paths: set[PathInDataset], requests_stream: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Returns specified files as a zip archive. If logical_paths is an empty set, it will return all files of the transaction. Args: dataset_rid: dataset rid transaction_rid: transaction rid logical_paths: a set with paths in the dataset requests_stream: passed to :py:meth:`requests.Session.request` as `stream` **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` """ return self.api_request( "GET", f"dataproxy/batch/datasets/{dataset_rid}/transactions/{transaction_rid}", params={"logicalPaths": logical_paths}, stream=requests_stream, **kwargs, )
[docs] def api_get_files_in_view( self, dataset_rid: DatasetRid, end_ref: View, logical_paths: set[PathInDataset], start_transaction_rid: TransactionRid | None = None, stream: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Returns specified files by logical_paths and end_ref in a zip archive. Args: dataset_rid: dataset rid end_ref: end ref/view logical_paths: set of paths in the dataset start_transaction_rid: transaction rid stream: passed to :py:meth:`requests.Session.request` **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` """ if start_transaction_rid: params = { "logicalPaths": logical_paths, "startTransactionRid": start_transaction_rid, } else: params = {"logicalPaths": logical_paths} return self.api_request( "GET", f"dataproxy/batch/datasets/{dataset_rid}/views/{quote_plus(end_ref)}", params=params, stream=stream, **kwargs, )
[docs] def api_get_dataset_as_csv2( self, dataset_rid: DatasetRid, branch_id: Ref, start_transaction_rid: TransactionRid | None = None, end_transaction_rid: TransactionRid | None = None, include_column_names: bool = True, include_bom: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Gets dataset data with each record as a CSV line. Args: dataset_rid: the dataset rid branch_id: branch of the dataset start_transaction_rid: start transaction rid end_transaction_rid: end transaction rid include_column_names: include column names include_bom: include bom **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` Returns: :external+requests:py:class:`~requests.Response`: with the csv stream. Can be converted to a pandas DataFrame >>> pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(response.content)) """ params = {"includeColumnNames": include_column_names, "includeBom": include_bom} if start_transaction_rid is not None: params = {"startTransactionRid": start_transaction_rid, **params} if end_transaction_rid is not None: params = {"endTransactionRid": end_transaction_rid, **params} return self.api_request( "GET", f"dataproxy/datasets/{dataset_rid}/branches/{quote_plus(branch_id)}/csv2", params=params, stream=True, **kwargs, )
[docs] def api_query_with_fallbacks2( self, query: str, fallback_branch_ids: list[str], dialect: SqlDialect = "SPARK", **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """Queries for data from 1 or more tables and returns the results as JSON. Args: query: the SQL query fallback_branch_ids: fallback branch ids dialect: the SqlDialect of the query, see :py:meth:`foundry_dev_tools.utils.api_types.SqlDialect` **kwargs: gets passed to :py:meth:`APIClient.api_request` """ assert_in_literal(dialect, SqlDialect, "dialect") return self.api_request( "POST", "dataproxy/queryWithFallbacks2", params={"fallbackBranchIds": fallback_branch_ids}, json={"query": query, "dialect": dialect}, **kwargs, )