Source code for foundry_dev_tools.utils.config

"""Utils functions for the configuration.

The config directories/files.
The environment config.
Function to merge dictionaries.
And the function that checks if the kwargs for a __init__ are correct,
currently used for the :py:class:`foundry_dev_tools.config.config.Config`
and the token providers :py:mod:`foundry_dev_tools.config.token_provider`.

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import os
import warnings
from functools import cache
from importlib.metadata import entry_points
from os import PathLike
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

import platformdirs

from foundry_dev_tools.errors.config import FoundryConfigError
from foundry_dev_tools.utils.repo import git_toplevel_dir

    from foundry_dev_tools.clients.api_client import APIClient
    from foundry_dev_tools.config.token_provider import TokenProvider

CFG_FILE_NAME = "config.toml"
PROJECT_CFG_FILE_NAME = ".foundry_dev_tools.toml"

def _platformdirs() -> platformdirs.PlatformDirsABC:
    return platformdirs.PlatformDirs("foundry-dev-tools")

[docs] @cache def cfg_files(use_project_config: bool = True) -> dict[Path, None]: """Returns all the possible configuration file paths (cached). Returns a dict with the paths as keys. Sets are not ordered in python but dicts are since 3.8. The first one is the system-wide config. """ ret = {site_cfg_file(): None, **user_cfg_files()} if use_project_config and (project_cfg := find_project_config_file()): ret[project_cfg] = None return ret
[docs] @cache def user_cfg_files() -> dict[Path, None]: """Returns all possible user configuration files. Returns a dict with the paths as keys. Sets are not ordered in python but dicts are since 3.8. """ return { Path.home().joinpath(".foundry-dev-tools", CFG_FILE_NAME): None, Path.home().joinpath(".config", "foundry-dev-tools", CFG_FILE_NAME): None, _platformdirs().user_config_path.joinpath(CFG_FILE_NAME): None, }
[docs] @cache def site_cfg_file() -> Path: """Returns the site_config_path from :py:mod:`platformdirs`.""" return _platformdirs().site_config_path.joinpath(CFG_FILE_NAME)
[docs] @cache def user_cache() -> Path: """Returns the cached directory for the user (cached).""" return _platformdirs().user_cache_path
[docs] def merge_dicts(a: dict, b: dict) -> dict: """Merges two nested dicts.""" if isinstance(a, dict) and isinstance(b, dict): for k in b: if k in a: a[k] = merge_dicts(a[k], b[k]) else: a[k] = b[k] return a return b if b is not None else a
[docs] def path_from_path_or_str(path: Path | PathLike[str] | str) -> Path: """Returns the same variable if instance of Path otherwise create a Path.""" if isinstance(path, Path): return path return Path(path)
[docs] def find_project_config_file( project_directory: Path | None = None, use_git: bool = False, check_caller_file: bool = True ) -> Path | None: """Get the project config file in a git repo. Args: project_directory: the path to a (sub)directory of a git repo, otherwise checks caller filename directory and working directory use_git: passed to :py:meth:git_toplevel_dir check_caller_file: if the directory of the current executed python script should be checked Returns: Path | None: Path to the project config or None if no file was found """ if project_directory is None: git_directory = None if check_caller_file: git_directory = git_toplevel_dir(Path(inspect.stack()[-1].filename).parent, use_git=use_git) if git_directory is None: git_directory = git_toplevel_dir(Path.cwd(), use_git=use_git) else: git_directory = git_toplevel_dir(project_directory, use_git=use_git) if not git_directory: cwd_config = Path.cwd().joinpath(PROJECT_CFG_FILE_NAME) # return config in current directory only if it exists if cwd_config.exists(): return cwd_config return None return git_directory.joinpath(PROJECT_CFG_FILE_NAME)
[docs] def get_environment_variable_config() -> dict: """Returns the `FDT_*` environment variables as a config dict.""" env_dict = {} for name, value in os.environ.items(): if name.startswith(ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_PREFIX): parts = name[len(ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_PREFIX) :].lower().split("__") if len(parts) <= 1: if parts[0] == "profile": # profile is a special case if len(value) == 0: value = None # allow erasing via env variable # noqa: PLW2901 else: warnings.warn(f"{name} is not a valid Foundry DevTools configuration environment variable.") continue cfg_parts = parts[:-1] o = env_dict for cfg_part in cfg_parts: if cfg_part not in o or not isinstance(o[cfg_part], dict): o[cfg_part] = {} o = o[cfg_part] o[parts[-1]] = _try_convert_to_bool(value) from foundry_dev_tools.utils.compat import get_v1_environment_variables # otherwise circular import v1_env_dict = get_v1_environment_variables() return merge_dicts(v1_env_dict, env_dict)
def _try_convert_to_bool(value: Any) -> Any: # noqa: ANN401 if isinstance(value, str) and value.lower() == "false": return False elif isinstance(value, str) and value.lower() == "true": # noqa: RET505 return True return value
[docs] @cache def entry_point_fdt_token_provider() -> dict[str, type[TokenProvider]]: """Returns the token provider implementations registered via entry points.""" return { ep.load() for ep in entry_points(group="fdt_token_provider")}
[docs] @cache def entry_point_fdt_api_client() -> dict[str, type[APIClient]]: """Returns the API clients registered via entry points.""" return { ep.load() for ep in entry_points(group="fdt_api_client")}
[docs] def check_init( init_class: type, config_path: str, kwargs: dict[str, Any], ) -> dict: """Checks if the supplied kwargs from the config dict are valid for the class to be instantiated. If a kwargs is of the wrong type it will try to be cast to the correct type. If this fails a :py:class:`FoundryConfigError` will be raised. If it succeeds it will still show a warning, that the value has been cast. Args: init_class: The class that will be instantiated with :py:attr:`kwargs` config_path: For the warnings/errors to show which config setting is invalid config.path + "." + invalid_kwarg_name kwargs: the kwargs to check Returns: valid_kwargs: dict the kwargs that (were cast to) work for the instantiated class """ valid_kwargs = {} sig = inspect.signature(init_class) parms = sig.parameters for name, parameter in parms.items(): conf_name = f"{config_path}.{name}" if name in kwargs and parameter.annotation is not parameter.empty and not isinstance(parameter.annotation, str): if not isinstance(kwargs[name], parameter.annotation): try: valid_kwargs[name] = parameter.annotation(kwargs[name]) warnings.warn( f"{conf_name} was type {type(kwargs[name])!s} but has been cast to" f" {parameter.annotation!s}, this was needed to instantiate {init_class!s}.", ) del kwargs[name] continue except Exception as e: msg = ( f"To initialize {init_class!s}, the config option {conf_name} needs to be of type" f" {parameter.annotation!s}, but it is type {type(kwargs[name])!s}" ) raise FoundryConfigError( msg, ) from e valid_kwargs[name] = kwargs[name] del kwargs[name] elif name in kwargs: valid_kwargs[name] = kwargs[name] del kwargs[name] elif ( parameter.kind is not parameter.VAR_KEYWORD and parameter.kind is not parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL and parameter.default is parameter.empty and parameter.default is parameter.empty ): msg = f"{conf_name} is missing to create {init_class!s}." raise FoundryConfigError(msg) for name in kwargs: conf_name = f"{config_path}.{name}" warnings.warn(f"{conf_name} is not a valid config option for {init_class!s}") return valid_kwargs