Source code for foundry_dev_tools.utils.misc

"""These are miscellaneous utility functions/classes."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
import re
import sys
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DECAMELIZE_REGEX = re.compile(r"(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])")

    from import Callable, Sequence

[docs] def decamelize(camel_case: str) -> str: """Convert CamelCase to snake_case.""" return DECAMELIZE_REGEX.sub("_", camel_case).lower()
[docs] @dataclass class TailHelper: """Tails logs. Args: print_handler: the way it prints the lines e.g. :py:meth:print or a :py:class:logging.Logger start_message: the start_message to print before the first line or if None it will print a horizontal line previous_line_number: the previous line number that was printed, if not none the start_message will never be printed and the first line will be the line after :py:attr:previous_line_number """ print_handler: Callable[[str], Any] start_message: str | None = None previous_line_number: int | None = None
[docs] def tail(self, log_lines: Sequence[str] | None): """Handles the logs. If :py:attr:TailHelper.previous_line_number is None it will print the :py:attr:TailHelper.start_message and print everything contained int :py:attr:logs But if the :py:attr:TailHelper.previous_line_number is an integer it will print the logs from that given line number, this will only print new lines. Args: log_lines: a list of lines, if None execution will be skipped """ if log_lines is not None: if self.previous_line_number is None: if self.start_message: self.print_handler(self.start_message) else: print_horizontal_line(print_handler=self.print_handler) self.print_handler("\n".join(log_lines)) else: new_lines = log_lines[self.previous_line_number :] if new_lines: self.print_handler("\n".join(new_lines)) self.previous_line_number = len(log_lines)
[docs] def is_dataset_a_view(dataset_transaction: dict) -> bool: """Determines based on a transaction, if a dataset is a view. Args: dataset_transaction: a transaction on the dataset in question Returns: bool: if dataset is a view """ return ( "record" in dataset_transaction and "view" in dataset_transaction["record"] and dataset_transaction["record"]["view"] is True )
[docs] def parse_iso(iso_str: str) -> datetime: """Parses iso string to datetime.""" if sys.version_info < (3, 11): # if "." in iso_str: if iso_str.endswith("Z"): # palantir s3 api returns an iso string with nanosecond precision, we don't need that # and python strptime %f can only parse 6 digits i.e. microsecond precision # but its easier to just remove the nanoseconds, as they are not relevant for the expiry_time iso_str = iso_str.split(".", maxsplit=1)[0] + "+00:00" else: return datetime.strptime( iso_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z", ) return datetime.strptime( iso_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z", ) return datetime.fromisoformat(iso_str)