Modeling a Mixture in Slot-Based Representation


Modeling a mixture is possible in a non-traditional way by using a concept we refer to as a slot. A slot is represented through the combination of two parameters: one indicating the amount of a mixture ingredient, and another indicating the type of the ingredient (as a label) populating the slot. Unlike in traditional mixture modeling, the total number of parameters is not determined by how many ingredient choices we have, but by the maximum number of slots we allow. For instance, if we want to design a mixture with up to three ingredients, we can do so by creating three slots represented by six parameters.

A corresponding search space could look like this:































The slot-based representation has one decided advantage over traditional modeling: We can use BayBE’s label encodings for the label parameters. For instance, when mixing small molecules, the SubstanceParameter can be used to smartly encode the slot labels, enabling the algorithm to perform a chemically-aware mixture optimization.

In this example, we show how to design such a search space, including the various discrete constraints we need to impose. We consider a situation where we want to mix up to three solvents, whose respective amounts must add up to 100.

Discrete vs. Continuous Modeling

Here, we only use discrete parameters, although in principle the parameters corresponding to amounts could also be modeled as continuous numbers. However, this would imply that some of the constraints would have to act on both discrete and continuous parameters, which is not currently supported.


import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from baybe.constraints import (
from baybe.parameters import NumericalDiscreteParameter, SubstanceParameter
from baybe.searchspace import SubspaceDiscrete
from baybe.utils.dataframe import pretty_print_df

Basic example settings:

SUM_TOLERANCE = 0.1  # tolerance allowed to fulfill the sum constraints
RESOLUTION = 5  # resolution for discretizing the slot amounts

Parameter Setup

First, we create the parameters for the slot labels. Each slot offers a choice of four solvents:

dict_solvents = {
    "water": "O",
    "ethanol": "CCO",
    "methanol": "CO",
    "acetone": "CC(=O)C",
slot1_label = SubstanceParameter(
    name="Slot1_Label", data=dict_solvents, encoding="MORDRED"
slot2_label = SubstanceParameter(
    name="Slot2_Label", data=dict_solvents, encoding="MORDRED"
slot3_label = SubstanceParameter(
    name="Slot3_Label", data=dict_solvents, encoding="MORDRED"

Next, we create the parameters representing the slot amounts:

slot1_amount = NumericalDiscreteParameter(
    name="Slot1_Amount", values=np.linspace(0, 100, RESOLUTION), tolerance=0.2
slot2_amount = NumericalDiscreteParameter(
    name="Slot2_Amount", values=np.linspace(0, 100, RESOLUTION), tolerance=0.2
slot3_amount = NumericalDiscreteParameter(
    name="Slot3_Amount", values=np.linspace(0, 100, RESOLUTION), tolerance=0.2

We collect all parameters in a single list:

parameters = [

Constraint Setup

For the sake of demonstration, we consider a scenario where we do not care about the order of addition of components to the mixture, which imposes two additional constraints: one for removing duplicates and one for imposing permutation invariance.

Order of Addition

Whether you need to impose the constraints for removing duplicates and imposing permutation invariance depends on your use case. If the order of addition is relevant to your mixture, the permutation invariance constraint should be discarded and one could further argue that adding the same substance multiple times should be allowed.

Duplicate Substances

Assuming that the order of addition is irrelevant, there is no difference between having two slots with the same substance or having only one slot with the combined amounts. Thus, we want to make sure that there are no such duplicate label entries, which can be achieved using a DiscreteNoLabelDuplicatesConstraint:

no_duplicates_constraint = DiscreteNoLabelDuplicatesConstraint(
    parameters=["Slot1_Label", "Slot2_Label", "Slot3_Label"]

Permutation Invariance

Next, we need to take care of permutation invariance. If our order of addition does not matter, the result of interchanging any two slots does not alter the overall mixture, i.e. the mixture slots are considered permutation-invariant.

A complication with permutation invariance arises from the fact that we do not only have a label per slot, but also a numerical amount. If this amount is zero, then the label of the slot becomes meaningless, because adding zero of the corresponding substance does not change the mixture. In BayBE, we call this a “dependency”, i.e. the slot labels depend on the slot amounts and are only relevant if the amount satisfies some condition (in this case “amount > 0”).

The DiscreteDependenciesConstraint informs the DiscretePermutationInvarianceConstraint about these dependencies so that they are correctly included in the filtering process:

perm_inv_constraint = DiscretePermutationInvarianceConstraint(
    parameters=["Slot1_Label", "Slot2_Label", "Slot3_Label"],
        parameters=["Slot1_Amount", "Slot2_Amount", "Slot3_Amount"],
            ThresholdCondition(threshold=0.0, operator=">"),
            ThresholdCondition(threshold=0.0, operator=">"),
            ThresholdCondition(threshold=0.0, operator=">"),
        affected_parameters=[["Slot1_Label"], ["Slot2_Label"], ["Slot3_Label"]],

Substance Amounts

Interpreting the slot amounts as percentages, we need to ensure that their total is always 100:

sum_constraint = DiscreteSumConstraint(
    parameters=["Slot1_Amount", "Slot2_Amount", "Slot3_Amount"],
    condition=ThresholdCondition(threshold=100, operator="=", tolerance=SUM_TOLERANCE),

We store all constraints in a single list:

constraints = [perm_inv_constraint, sum_constraint, no_duplicates_constraint]

Search Space Creation

With all building blocks in place, we can now assemble our discrete space and inspect its configurations:

space = SubspaceDiscrete.from_product(parameters=parameters, constraints=constraints)
   Slot1_Label Slot2_Label Slot3_Label  Slot1_Amount  Slot2_Amount  Slot3_Amount
0      acetone     ethanol    methanol           0.0           0.0         100.0
1      acetone     ethanol    methanol           0.0          25.0          75.0
2      acetone     ethanol    methanol           0.0          50.0          50.0
3      acetone     ethanol    methanol           0.0          75.0          25.0
4      acetone     ethanol    methanol           0.0         100.0           0.0
5      acetone     ethanol    methanol          25.0           0.0          75.0
6      acetone     ethanol    methanol          25.0          25.0          50.0
7      acetone     ethanol    methanol          25.0          50.0          25.0
8      acetone     ethanol    methanol          25.0          75.0           0.0
9      acetone     ethanol    methanol          50.0           0.0          50.0
10     acetone     ethanol    methanol          50.0          25.0          25.0
11     acetone     ethanol    methanol          50.0          50.0           0.0
12     acetone     ethanol    methanol          75.0           0.0          25.0
13     acetone     ethanol    methanol          75.0          25.0           0.0
14     acetone     ethanol    methanol         100.0           0.0           0.0
15     acetone     ethanol       water           0.0           0.0         100.0
16     acetone     ethanol       water           0.0          25.0          75.0
17     acetone     ethanol       water           0.0          50.0          50.0
18     acetone     ethanol       water           0.0          75.0          25.0
19     acetone     ethanol       water          25.0           0.0          75.0
20     acetone     ethanol       water          25.0          25.0          50.0
21     acetone     ethanol       water          25.0          50.0          25.0
22     acetone     ethanol       water          50.0           0.0          50.0
23     acetone     ethanol       water          50.0          25.0          25.0
24     acetone     ethanol       water          75.0           0.0          25.0
25     acetone    methanol       water           0.0          25.0          75.0
26     acetone    methanol       water           0.0          50.0          50.0
27     acetone    methanol       water           0.0          75.0          25.0
28     acetone    methanol       water          25.0          25.0          50.0
29     acetone    methanol       water          25.0          50.0          25.0
30     acetone    methanol       water          50.0          25.0          25.0
31     ethanol    methanol       water          25.0          25.0          50.0
32     ethanol    methanol       water          25.0          50.0          25.0
33     ethanol    methanol       water          50.0          25.0          25.0

Simplex Construction

In this example, we use the from_product() constructor in order to demonstrate the explicit creation of all involved constraints. However, for creating mixture representations, the from_simplex() constructor should generally be used. It takes care of the overall sum constraint already during search space creation, providing a more efficient path to the same result.

The alternative in our case would look like:

space = SubspaceDiscrete.from_simplex(
    simplex_parameters=[slot1_amount, slot2_amount, slot3_amount],
    product_parameters=[slot1_label, slot2_label, slot3_label],
    constraints=[perm_inv_constraint, no_duplicates_constraint],

Note that from_simplex() inherently ensures the sum constraint, hence we do not pass it to constraints.

Verification of Constraints

Let us programmatically assert that all constraints are satisfied:

amounts = space.exp_rep[["Slot1_Amount", "Slot2_Amount", "Slot3_Amount"]]
labels = space.exp_rep[["Slot1_Label", "Slot2_Label", "Slot3_Label"]]
slots = space.exp_rep.apply(
    lambda row: pd.Series(
        [(row[f"Slot{k}_Label"], row[f"Slot{k}_Amount"]) for k in range(1, 4)]
  • All amounts sum to 100:

n_wrong_sum = amounts.sum(axis=1).apply(lambda x: x - 100).abs().gt(SUM_TOLERANCE).sum()
assert n_wrong_sum == 0
print("Number of configurations whose amounts do not sum to 100: ", n_wrong_sum)
Number of configurations whose amounts do not sum to 100:  0
  • There are no duplicate slot labels:

n_duplicates = labels.nunique(axis=1).ne(3).sum()
assert n_duplicates == 0
print("Number of configurations with duplicate slot labels: ", n_duplicates)
Number of configurations with duplicate slot labels:  0
  • There are no permutation-invariant configurations:

n_permute = slots.apply(frozenset, axis=1).duplicated().sum()
assert n_permute == 0
print("Number of permuted configurations: ", n_permute)
Number of permuted configurations:  0

Verification of Span

Finally, we also assert if we have completely spanned the space of allowed configurations by comparing the numbers of unique K-solvent entries against their theoretical values.

Theoretical Span

The number of possible K-solvent entries can be found by imagining the corresponding traditional mixture representation and solving a slightly more complex version of the “stars and bars” problem, where the number of non-empty bins is fixed. That is, we need to ask how many possible ways exist to distribute N items (= number of elemental steps for the amounts, in our case RESOLUTION-1) across M bins (= number of available solvents) if exactly K bins are non-empty (= number of solvents allowed in the mixture).

There are (M choose K) ways to select the non-empty buckets. When distributing the N items, one item needs to go to each of the K buckets for it to be non-empty. The remaining N - K items can be freely distributed among the K buckets. The number of configurations for the latter is given by the “stars and bars” formula, which states that X indistinguishable items can be placed in Y distinguishable bins in ((X + Y -1) choose (Y - 1)) ways. Setting X=N-K and Y=K gives ((N - 1) choose (K - 1)). Combined with the former count, we get the formula implemented in the helper function below.

Helper function to compute the theoretical numbers:

def n_combinations(N: int, M: int, K: int) -> int:
    """Get number of ways to put `N` items into `M` bins yielding `K` non-empty bins."""
    return math.comb(M, K) * math.comb(N - 1, K - 1)

Verify that the space is fully spanned:

for K in range(1, 4):
    n_combinations_expected = n_combinations(RESOLUTION - 1, len(dict_solvents), K)
    n_combinations_actual = (amounts != 0).sum(axis=1).eq(K).sum()
    assert n_combinations_expected == n_combinations_actual
        f"Number of unique {K}-solvent entries: "
        f"{n_combinations_actual} ({n_combinations_expected} expected)"
Number of unique 1-solvent entries: 4 (4 expected)
Number of unique 2-solvent entries: 18 (18 expected)
Number of unique 3-solvent entries: 12 (12 expected)