
Parameters are fundamental for BayBE, as they configure the SearchSpace and serve as the direct link to the controllable variables in your experiment. Before starting an iterative campaign, the user is required to specify the exact parameters they can control and want to consider in their optimization.

Parameter names

BayBE identifies each parameter by a name. All parameter names in one campaign must be unique.

BayBE distinguishes two parameter types, because they need to be treated very differently under the hood: Discrete and continuous parameters.

Continuous Parameters


This is currently the only continuous parameter type BayBE supports. It defines possible values from a numerical interval called bounds, and thus has an infinite amount of possibilities. Unless restrained by Constraints, BayBE will consider any possible parameter value that lies within the chosen interval.

from baybe.parameters import NumericalContinuousParameter

    bounds=(0, 100),

Discrete Parameters

A discrete parameter has a finite set of possible values. These values can be numeric or label-like and are transformed internally before being ingested by the surrogate model.

Parameter encoding

We call the process of transforming labels into numbers encoding. To make labels usable in machine learning, we assign each label one or more numbers. While there are trivial ways of doing this, BayBE also provides methods to avoid problematic biases and even introduce useful information into the resulting latent number space. For different parameters, different types of encoding make sense. These situations are reflected by the different discrete parameter types BayBE offers.


This is the right type for parameters that have numerical values. We support sets with equidistant values like (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) but also unevenly spaced sets of numbers like (0.2, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0, 50.0).

The parameter type also supports specifying a tolerance. If specified, BayBE throws an error if measurements are added that are not within that specified tolerance from any of the possible values.

from baybe.parameters import NumericalDiscreteParameter

    # you can also use np.arange or similar to provide values
    values=(0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50),


A CategoricalParameter supports sets of strings as labels. This is most suitable if the experimental choices cannot easily be translated into a number. Examples for this could be vendors like ("Vendor A", "Vendor B", "Vendor C") or post codes like ("PO16 7GZ", "GU16 7HF", "L1 8JQ").

Categorical parameters in BayBE can be encoded via integer or one-hot encoding. For some cases, such basic forms of encoding make sense, e.g. if we had a parameter for a setting with values ("low", "medium", "high"), an integer-encoding into values (1, 2, 3) would be reasonable.

from baybe.parameters import CategoricalParameter

    values=("low", "medium", "high"),
    encoding="INT",  # optional, uses integer encoding as described above

However, in other cases, these encodings would introduce undesired biases to the model. Take, for instance, a parameter for a choice of solvents with values ("Solvent A", "Solvent B", "Solvent C"). Encoding these with (1, 2, 3) as above would imply that “Solvent A” is more similar to “Solvent B” than to “Solvent C”, simply because the number 1 is closer to 2 than to 3. Hence, for an arbitrary set of labels, such an ordering cannot generally be assumed. In the particular case of substances, it not even possible to describe the similarity between labels by ordering along one single dimension. For this reason, we also provide the SubstanceParameter, which encodes labels corresponding to small molecules with chemical descriptors, capturing their similarities much better and without the need for the user to think about ordering and similarity in the first place. This concept is generalized in the CustomDiscreteParameter, where the user can provide their own custom set of descriptors for each label.


Instead of values, this parameter accepts data in form of a dictionary. The items correspond to pairs of labels and SMILES. SMILES are string-based representations of molecular structures. Based on these, BayBE can assign each label a set of molecular descriptors as encoding.

For instance, a parameter corresponding to a choice of solvents can be initialized with:

from baybe.parameters import SubstanceParameter

        "Water": "O",
        "1-Octanol": "CCCCCCCCO",
        "Toluene": "CC1=CC=CC=C1",
    encoding="MORDRED",  # optional
    decorrelate=0.7,  # optional

The encoding defines what kind of descriptors are calculated using the scikit-fingerprints package. It can be specified either by passing the corresponding SubstanceEncoding member (click to see full list of options) or its string representation, e.g. use SubstanceParameter.MORDRED or its string alias "MORDRED" to select the MordredFingerprint.

Here are examples of a few popular fingerprints:

  • ECFP: Extended Connectivity FingerPrint, which is a circular topological fingerprint similar to Morgan fingerprint.

  • MORDRED: Chemical descriptor based fingerprint.

  • RDKIT: The RDKit fingerprint, which is based on hashing of molecular subgraphs.

You can customize the fingerprint computation by passing arguments of the corresponding scikit-fingerprints class to the kwargs_fingerprint argument the SubstanceParameter constructor. Similarly, for fingerprints requiring conformers, the configuration options for conformer computation can be specified via kwargs_conformer.

from baybe.parameters import SubstanceParameter

        "Water": "O",
        "1-Octanol": "CCCCCCCCO",
        "Toluene": "CC1=CC=CC=C1",
        "radius": 4,  # Set maximum radius of resulting subgraphs
        "fp_size": 1024,  # Change the number of computed bits

These calculations will typically result in 500 to 1500 numbers per molecule. To avoid detrimental effects on the surrogate model fit, we reduce the number of descriptors via decorrelation before using them. For instance, the decorrelate option in the example above specifies that only descriptors with a correlation lower than 0.7 to any other descriptor will be kept. This usually reduces the number of descriptors to 10-50, depending on the specific items in data.


The descriptors calculated for a SubstanceParameter were developed to describe small molecules and are not suitable for other substances. If you deal with large molecules like polymers or arbitrary substance mixtures, we recommend to provide your own descriptors via the CustomDiscreteParameter.

In the following example from an application you can see the outcome for treating the solvent, base and ligand in a direct arylation reaction optimization (from Shields, B.J. et al.) with different chemical encodings compared to one-hot and a random baseline:

../_images/full_lookup_light1.svg ../_images/full_lookup_dark1.svg

Optional dependency

The SubstanceParameter is only available if BayBE was installed with the additional chem dependency.


The encoding concept introduced above is generalized by the CustomDiscreteParameter. Here, the user is expected to provide their own descriptors for the encoding.

Take, for instance, a parameter that corresponds to the choice of a polymer. Polymers are not well represented by the small molecule descriptors utilized in the SubstanceParameter. Still, one could provide experimental measurements or common metrics used to classify polymers:

import pandas as pd
from baybe.parameters import CustomDiscreteParameter

descriptors = pd.DataFrame(
        "Glass_Transition_TempC": [20, -71, -39],
        "Weight_kDalton": [120, 32, 241],
    index=["Polymer A", "Polymer B", "Polymer C"],  # put labels in the index

    decorrelate=True,  # optional, uses default correlation threshold

With the CustomDiscreteParameter, you can also encode parameter labels that have nothing to do with substances. For example, a parameter corresponding to the choice of a vendor is typically not easily encoded with standard means. In BayBE’s framework, you can provide numbers corresponding e.g. to delivery time, reliability or average price of the vendor to encode the labels via the CustomDiscreteParameter.


Often, several experimental campaigns involve similar or even identical parameters but still have one or more differences. For example, when optimizing reagents in a chemical reaction, the reactants remain constant, so they are not parameters. Similarly, in a mixture development for cell culture media, the cell type is fixed and hence not a parameter. However, once we plan to mix data from several campaigns, both reactants and cell lines can also be considered parameters in that they encode the necessary context. BayBE is able to process such context information with the TaskParameter. In many cases, this can drastically increase the optimization performance due to the enlarged data corpus.

See also

For details, refer to transfer learning.