
baybe.simulation.core.simulate_experiment(campaign: Campaign, lookup: DataFrame | Callable | None = None, /, *, batch_size: int = 1, n_doe_iterations: int | None = None, initial_data: DataFrame | None = None, random_seed: int | None = None, impute_mode: Literal['error', 'worst', 'best', 'mean', 'random', 'ignore'] = 'error', noise_percent: float | None = None)[source]

Simulate a Bayesian optimization loop.

The most basic type of simulation. Runs a single execution of the loop either for a specified number of steps or until there are no more configurations left to be tested.

  • campaign (Campaign) – The DOE setting to be simulated.

  • lookup (Union[DataFrame, Callable, None]) – The lookup used to close the loop, providing target values for the queried parameter settings. For details, see baybe.simulation.lookup.look_up_targets().

  • batch_size (int) – The number of recommendations to be queried per iteration.

  • n_doe_iterations (Optional[int]) – The number of iterations to run the design-of-experiments loop. If not specified, the simulation proceeds until there are no more testable configurations left.

  • initial_data (Optional[DataFrame]) – The initial measurement data to be ingested before starting the loop.

  • random_seed (Optional[int]) – An optional random seed to be used for the simulation.

  • impute_mode (Literal['error', 'worst', 'best', 'mean', 'random', 'ignore']) –

    Specifies how a missing lookup will be handled. For details, see baybe.simulation.lookup.look_up_targets(). In addition to the choices listed there, the following option is available:

    • "ignore": The search space is stripped before recommendations are made so that unmeasured experiments will not be recommended.

  • noise_percent (Optional[float]) – If not None, relative noise in percent of noise_percent will be applied to the parameter measurements.

Return type:



A dataframe ready for plotting, see the Note for details.

  • TypeError – If a non-suitable lookup is chosen.

  • ValueError – If the impute mode ignore is chosen for non-dataframe lookup.

  • ValueError – If a setup is provided that would run indefinitely.


The returned dataframe contains the following columns:

  • Iteration: Corresponds to the DOE iteration (starting at 0)

  • Num_Experiments: Corresponds to the running number of experiments performed (usually x-axis)

  • for each target a column {targetname}_IterBest: Corresponds to the best result for that target at the respective iteration

  • for each target a column {targetname}_CumBest: Corresponds to the best result for that target up to including respective iteration

  • for each target a column {targetname}_Measurements: The individual measurements obtained for the respective target and iteration