
When it comes to Bayesian optimization, campaigns emerge as an essential component. They encompass a group of interconnected experiments that collectively aim to navigate the search space and find an optimal solution. They take center stage in orchestrating the iterative process of selecting, evaluating, and refining candidate solutions. Thus, campaigns are an integral part of Bayesian optimization and, accordingly, they also play a central role in BayBE.

The Campaign class provides a structured framework for defining and documenting an experimentation process. It further serves as the primary interface for interacting with BayBE as a user since it is responsible for handling experimental data, making recommendations, adding measurements, and most other user-related tasks.

Creating a campaign

Basic creation

Creating a campaign requires specifying at least two pieces of information that describe the underlying optimization problem at hand:

Campaign Specification

BayBE Class

What should be optimized in the campaign?

Objective (class / user guide)

Which experimental factors can be altered?

SearchSpace (class / user guide)

Apart from this basic configuration, it is possible to further define the specific optimization Recommender (class / user guide) to be used.

from baybe import Campaign

campaign = Campaign(
    searchspace=searchspace,  # Required
    objective=objective,  # Required
    recommender=recommender,  # Optional

Creation from a JSON config

Instead of using the default constructor, it is also possible to create a Campaign from a JSON configuration string via Campaign.from_config. Herein, the expected JSON schema of the string should mirror the class hierarchy of the objects nested in the corresponding campaign object. The string can be easily validated using Campaign.validate_config without instantiating the object, which skips the potentially costly search space creation step. For more details and a full exemplary config, we refer to the corresponding example.

Getting recommendations


To obtain a recommendation for the next batch of experiments, we can query the campaign via the recommend method. It expects a parameter batch_size that specifies the desired number of experiments to be conducted.

rec = campaign.recommend(batch_size=3)

Calling the function returns a DataFrame with batch_size many rows, each representing a particular parameter configuration from the campaign’s search space. Thus, the following might be a DataFrame returned by recommend in a search space with the three parameters Categorial_1, Categorical_2 and Num_disc_1:
















Batch optimization

In general, the parameter configurations in a recommended batch are jointly optimized and therefore tailored to the specific batch size requested. This means that for two batches of different requested sizes, the smaller batch will not necessarily correspond to a subset of the configurations contained in the larger batch. An intuitive explanation for this phenomenon is that the more experiments one can afford to run, the less need there is to focus on “safe bets” and the more room becomes available to test “high-risk/high-gain” configurations, since only one of the tested configurations from the batch has to perform well.

The bottom line is: You should always ask for exactly as many recommendations as you are willing to run parallel experiments in your next experimental iteration. An approach where only a subset of experiments taken from a larger recommended batch is used is strongly discouraged.

Note: While the above distinction is true in the general case, it may not be relevant for all configured settings, for instance, when the used recommender is not capable of joint optimization. Currently, the BotorchRecommender is the only recommender available that performs joint optimization.

Sequential vs. parallel experimentation

If you have a fixed experimental budget but the luxury of choosing whether to run your experiments sequentially or in parallel, sequential experimentation will give you the better overall results in expectation. This is because in the sequential approach, each subsequent recommendation can leverage the additional data from previous iterations, which allows more accurate predictive models to be built. However, in real-world use cases, the question is typically answered by other factors, such as whether parallel experimentation is feasible in the first place, or whether the given time budget even allows for sequential runs.

Caching of recommendations

The Campaign object caches the last batch of recommendations returned, in order to avoid unnecessary computations for subsequent queries between which the status of the campaign has not changed. The cache is invalidated as soon as new measurements are added or a different batch size is desired. The latter is necessary because each batch is optimized for the specific number of experiments requested (see note above).

Adding measurements

Available experimental data can be added at any time during the campaign lifecycle using the add_measurements method, which expects a DataFrame containing the values of the used experimental parameters and all corresponding target measurements. If measurements are to be added immediately after a call to recommend, this is most easily achieved by augmenting the DataFrame returned from that call with the respective target columns.

rec["Target_max"] = [2, 4, 9]  # 3 values matching the batch_size of 3
new_rec = campaign.recommend(batch_size=5)

After adding the measurements, the corresponding DataFrame thus has the following form:




















Parameter tolerances

For discrete parameters, the parameter values associated with the provided measurements are required to fall into a predefined tolerance interval by default, which is defined on the level of the individual parameters. This requirement can be disabled using the method’s numerical_measurements_must_be_within_tolerance flag.


Like other BayBE objects, Campaigns can be de-/serialized using their from_json/ to_json methods, which allow to convert between Python objects and their corresponding representation in JSON format:

campaign_json = campaign.to_json()
reconstructed = Campaign.from_json(campaign_json)
assert campaign == reconstructed

General information on this topic can be found in our serialization user guide. For campaigns, however, this possibility is particularly noteworthy as it enables one of the most common workflows in this context – persisting the current state of a campaign for long-term storage and continuing the experimentation at a later point in time:

  1. Get your campaign object

    • When initiating the workflow, create a new campaign object

    • When coming from the last step below, deserialize the existing campaign object

  2. Add the latest measurement results

  3. Get a recommendation

  4. Serialize the campaign and store it somewhere

  5. Run your (potentially lengthy) real-world experiments

  6. Repeat

Further information

Campaigns are created as a first step in most of our examples. For more details on how to define campaigns for a specific use case, we thus propose to have a look at the most suitable example.