Transfer Learning

This example demonstrates BayBE’s Transfer Learning capabilities using the Hartmann test function:

  • We construct a campaign,

  • give it access to data from a related but different task,

  • and show how this additional information boosts optimization performance.


import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from botorch.test_functions.synthetic import Hartmann
from baybe import Campaign
from baybe.objectives import SingleTargetObjective
from baybe.parameters import NumericalDiscreteParameter, TaskParameter
from baybe.searchspace import SearchSpace
from baybe.simulation import simulate_scenarios
from baybe.targets import NumericalTarget
from baybe.utils.botorch_wrapper import botorch_function_wrapper
from baybe.utils.plotting import create_example_plots


The following settings are used to set up the problem:

SMOKE_TEST = "SMOKE_TEST" in os.environ  # reduce the problem complexity in CI pipelines
DIMENSION = 3  # input dimensionality of the test function
BATCH_SIZE = 1  # batch size of recommendations per DOE iteration
N_MC_ITERATIONS = 2 if SMOKE_TEST else 50  # number of Monte Carlo runs
N_DOE_ITERATIONS = 2 if SMOKE_TEST else 10  # number of DOE iterations
POINTS_PER_DIM = 3 if SMOKE_TEST else 5  # number of grid points per input dimension

Creating the Optimization Objective

The test functions each have a single output that is to be minimized. The corresponding Objective is created as follows:

objective = SingleTargetObjective(target=NumericalTarget(name="Target", mode="MIN"))

Creating the Searchspace

The bounds of the search space are dictated by the test function:

BOUNDS = Hartmann(dim=DIMENSION).bounds

First, we define one NumericalDiscreteParameter per input dimension of the test function:

discrete_params = [
        values=np.linspace(lower, upper, POINTS_PER_DIM),
    for d, (lower, upper) in enumerate(BOUNDS.T)


While we could optimize the function using NumericalContinuousParameters, we use discrete parameters here because it lets us interpret the percentages shown in the final plot directly as the proportion of candidates for which there were target values revealed by the training function.

Next, we define a TaskParameter to encode the task context, which allows the model to establish a relationship between the training data and the data collected during the optimization process. Because we want to obtain recommendations only for the test function, we explicitly pass the active_values keyword.

task_param = TaskParameter(
    values=["Test_Function", "Training_Function"],

With the parameters at hand, we can now create our search space.

parameters = [*discrete_params, task_param]
searchspace = SearchSpace.from_product(parameters=parameters)

Defining the Tasks

To demonstrate the transfer learning mechanism, we consider the problem of optimizing the Hartmann function using training data from its negated version, including some noise. The used model is of course not aware of this relationship but needs to infer it from the data gathered during the optimization process.

test_functions = {
    "Test_Function": botorch_function_wrapper(Hartmann(dim=DIMENSION)),
    "Training_Function": botorch_function_wrapper(
        Hartmann(dim=DIMENSION, negate=True, noise_std=0.15)

Generating Lookup Tables

We generate two lookup tables containing the target values of both test functions at the given parameter grid. Parts of one lookup serve as the training data for the model. The other lookup is used as the loop-closing element, providing the target values of the test functions on demand.

grid = np.meshgrid(*[p.values for p in discrete_params])
lookups: dict[str, pd.DataFrame] = {}
for function_name, function in test_functions.items():
    lookup = pd.DataFrame({f"x{d}": grid_d.ravel() for d, grid_d in enumerate(grid)})
    lookup["Target"] = lookup.apply(function, axis=1)
    lookup["Function"] = function_name
    lookups[function_name] = lookup
lookup_training_task = lookups["Training_Function"]
lookup_test_task = lookups["Test_Function"]

Simulation Loop

We now simulate campaigns for different amounts of training data unveiled, to show the impact of transfer learning on the optimization performance. To average out and reduce statistical effects that might happen due to the random sampling of the provided data, we perform several Monte Carlo runs.

results: list[pd.DataFrame] = []
for p in (0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.08, 0.2):
    campaign = Campaign(searchspace=searchspace, objective=objective)
    initial_data = [lookup_training_task.sample(frac=p) for _ in range(N_MC_ITERATIONS)]
    result_fraction = simulate_scenarios(
        {f"{int(100*p)}": campaign},

For comparison, we also optimize the function without using any initial data:

result_baseline = simulate_scenarios(
    {"0": Campaign(searchspace=searchspace, objective=objective)},
results = pd.concat([result_baseline, *results])

All that remains is to visualize the results. As the example shows, the optimization speed can be significantly increased by using even small amounts of training data from related optimization tasks.

results.rename(columns={"Scenario": "% of data used"}, inplace=True)
ax = sns.lineplot(
    hue="% of data used",
create_example_plots(ax=ax, base_name="basic_transfer_learning")
../../_images/basic_transfer_learning_light.svg ../../_images/basic_transfer_learning_dark.svg