Source code for baybe.surrogates.utils

"""Utilities for working with surrogates."""

from __future__ import annotations

from import Callable
from functools import wraps
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar

from baybe.exceptions import InvalidSurrogateModelError
from baybe.surrogates.base import Surrogate

    from botorch.posteriors import Posterior
    from torch import Tensor

    from baybe.surrogates.naive import MeanPredictionSurrogate

_TSurrogate = TypeVar("_TSurrogate", bound=Surrogate)

_constant_target_model_store: dict[int, MeanPredictionSurrogate] = {}
"""Dictionary for storing constant target fallback models. Keys are the IDs of the
surrogate models that temporarily have a fallback attached because they were
trained on constant training targets. Values are the corresponding fallback models."""

[docs] def catch_constant_targets(cls: type[Surrogate], std_threshold: float = 1e-6): """Make a ``Surrogate`` class robustly handle constant training targets. More specifically, "constant training targets" can mean either of: * The standard deviation of the training targets is below the given threshold. * There is only one target and the standard deviation cannot even be computed. The modified class handles the above cases separately from "regular operation" by resorting to a :class:`baybe.surrogates.naive.MeanPredictionSurrogate`, which is stored outside the model in a dictionary maintained by this decorator. Args: cls: The :class:`baybe.surrogates.base.Surrogate` to be augmented. std_threshold: The standard deviation threshold below which operation is switched to the alternative model. Returns: The modified class. """ from baybe.surrogates.naive import MeanPredictionSurrogate # References to original methods _fit_original = cls._fit _posterior_original = cls._posterior def _posterior_new(self, candidates_comp_scaled: Tensor, /) -> Posterior: """Use fallback model if it exists, otherwise call original posterior.""" # Alternative model fallback if constant_target_model := _constant_target_model_store.get(id(self), None): return constant_target_model._posterior(candidates_comp_scaled) # Regular operation return _posterior_original(self, candidates_comp_scaled) def _fit_new(self, train_x: Tensor, train_y: Tensor) -> None: """Original fit but with fallback model creation for constant targets.""" if not (train_y.ndim == 2 and train_y.shape[-1] == 1): raise NotImplementedError( "The current logic is only implemented for single-target surrogates." ) # Alternative model fallback if train_y.numel() == 1 or train_y.std() < std_threshold: model = MeanPredictionSurrogate() model._fit(train_x, train_y) _constant_target_model_store[id(self)] = model # Regular operation else: _constant_target_model_store.pop(id(self), None) _fit_original(self, train_x, train_y) # Replace the methods cls._posterior = _posterior_new # type: ignore cls._fit = _fit_new # type: ignore return cls
[docs] def batchify_mean_var_prediction( posterior: Callable[[_TSurrogate, Tensor], tuple[Tensor, Tensor]], ) -> Callable[[_TSurrogate, Tensor], tuple[Tensor, Tensor]]: """Wrap a posterior method to make it evaluate t-batches as an augmented q-batch.""" @wraps(posterior) def sequential_posterior( model: _TSurrogate, candidates: Tensor ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: # If no batch dimensions are given, call the model directly if candidates.ndim == 2: return posterior(model, candidates) # Parameter batching is not (yet) supported if candidates.ndim > 3: raise ValueError("Multiple t-batch dimensions are not supported.") # Keep track of batch dimensions t_shape = candidates.shape[-3] q_shape = candidates.shape[-2] # Flatten the t-batch dimension into the q-batch dimension flattened = candidates.flatten(end_dim=-2) # Call the model on the entire input mean, var = posterior(model, flattened) # Restore the batch dimensions mean = mean.reshape((t_shape, q_shape)) var = var.reshape((t_shape, q_shape)) return mean, var return sequential_posterior
[docs] def batchify_ensemble_predictor( base_predictor: Callable[[Tensor], Tensor], ) -> Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]: """Wrap an ensemble predictor to make it evaluate t-batches as an augmented q-batch. Args: base_predictor: The ensemble predictor to be wrapped. Returns: The wrapped predictor. """ @wraps(base_predictor) def batch_predictor(candidates: Tensor) -> Tensor: # If no batch dimensions are given, call the model directly if candidates.ndim == 2: return base_predictor(candidates) # Ensemble models do not (yet) support model parameter batching if candidates.ndim > 3: raise ValueError("Multiple t-batch dimensions are not supported.") # Keep track of batch dimensions t_shape = candidates.shape[-3] q_shape = candidates.shape[-2] # Flatten the t-batch dimension into the q-batch dimension flattened = candidates.flatten(end_dim=-2) # Call the model on the entire input predictions = base_predictor(flattened) # Assert that the model provides the ensemble predictions in the correct shape # (otherwise the reshaping operation below could silently produce wrong results) try: assert predictions.ndim == 2 n_estimators = predictions.shape[0] assert predictions.shape[1] == t_shape * q_shape except AssertionError: raise InvalidSurrogateModelError( f"For the given input of shape {tuple(candidates.shape)}, " f"the ensemble model is supposed to create predictions of shape " f"(n_estimators, t_shape * q_shape) = " f"(n_estimators, {t_shape * q_shape}) " f"but returned an array of incompatible shape " f"{tuple(predictions.shape)}." ) # Restore the batch dimensions predictions = predictions.reshape((n_estimators, t_shape, q_shape)) predictions = predictions.permute((1, 0, 2)) return predictions return batch_predictor