Custom exceptions and warnings.
Signals the use of a deprecated mechanism to the user, interrupting execution. |
The created search space contains no parameters. |
Incompatible components are used together. |
An incompatible acquisition function was selected. |
An incompatible argument was passed to a callable. |
An explainer is incompatible with the data it is presented. |
A recommender is used with a search space that contains incompatible parts, e.g. a discrete recommender is used with a hybrid or continuous search space. |
An invalid surrogate model was chosen. |
A target value was entered that is not in the target space. |
A prediction/transformation is attempted before the model has been trained. |
A Monte Carlo acquisition function is required but an analytical acquisition function has been selected by the user. |
A recommender is requested by a meta recommender but there are no recommenders left. |
More recommendations are requested than there are viable parameter configurations left in the search space. |
There is nothing to simulate because there are no testable configurations. |
A computation would lead to numerical underflow. |
An attempt was made to import an optional but uninstalled dependency. |
A specified subclass cannot be found in the given class hierarchy. |
An attribute cannot be matched against a certain callable signature. |
A method or function was called with undesired arguments which indicates an unintended user fault. |