Search Spaces¶
The term “search space” refers to the domain of possible values for the parameters that are being optimized during a campaign. A search space represents the space within which BayBE explores and searches for the optimal solution. It is implemented via the SearchSpace
Note that a search space is not necessarily equal to the space of allowed measurements. That is, if configured properly, it is possible to add measurements to a campaign that are not part of the search space. For instance, a numerical parameter with values 1.0
, 2.0
, 5.0
will create a searchspace with these numbers, but you can also add measurements where the parameter has a value of e.g. 2.12
In BayBE, a search space is a union of two (potentially empty) subspaces. The SubspaceDiscrete
contains all discrete parameters, while the SubspaceContinuous
contains all continuous parameters.
Depending on which of the subspaces are non-empty, a SearchSpace
has exactly one of the three SearchSpaceType
Non-empty |
Empty |
Empty |
Non-Empty |
Non-Empty |
Non-empty |
Discrete Subspaces¶
The SubspaceDiscrete
contains all the discrete parameters of a SearchSpace
. There are different ways of constructing this subspace.
Building from the Product of Parameter Values¶
The method SearchSpace.from_product
constructs the full cartesian product of the provided parameters:
from baybe.parameters import NumericalDiscreteParameter, CategoricalParameter
from baybe.searchspace import SubspaceDiscrete
parameters = [
NumericalDiscreteParameter(name="x0", values=[1, 2, 3]),
NumericalDiscreteParameter(name="x1", values=[4, 5, 6]),
CategoricalParameter(name="Speed", values=["slow", "normal", "fast"]),
subspace = SubspaceDiscrete.from_product(parameters=parameters)
In this example, subspace
has a total of 27 different parameter configuration.
x0 x1 Speed
0 1.0 4.0 slow
1 1.0 4.0 normal
2 1.0 4.0 fast
.. ... ... ...
24 3.0 6.0 slow
25 3.0 6.0 normal
26 3.0 6.0 fast
[27 rows x 3 columns]
Constructing from a Dataframe¶
constructs a discrete subspace from a given dataframe.
By default, this method tries to infer the data column as as a NumericalDiscreteParameter
and uses CategoricalParameter
as fallback.
However, it is possible to change this behavior by using the optional parameters
This list informs from_dataframe
about the parameters and the types of parameters that should be used.
In particular, it is necessary to provide such a list if there are non-numerical parameters that should not be interpreted as categorical parameters.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(
"x0": [2, 3, 3],
"x1": [5, 4, 6],
"x2": [9, 7, 9],
subspace = SubspaceDiscrete.from_dataframe(df)
Discrete Parameters
Name Type Num_Values Encoding
0 x0 NumericalDiscreteParameter 2 None
1 x1 NumericalDiscreteParameter 3 None
2 x2 NumericalDiscreteParameter 2 None
Creating a Simplex-Bound Discrete Subspace¶
can be used to efficiently create a discrete search space (or discrete subspace) that is restricted by a simplex constraint, limiting the maximum sum of the parameters per dimension.
This method uses a shortcut that removes invalid candidates already during the creation of parameter combinations and avoids to first create the full product space before filtering it.
In the following example, a naive construction of the subspace would first construct the full product space, containing 25 points, although only 15 points are actually part of the simplex.
parameters = [
NumericalDiscreteParameter(name="p1", values=[0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]),
NumericalDiscreteParameter(name="p2", values=[0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]),
subspace = SubspaceDiscrete.from_simplex(max_sum=1.0, simplex_parameters=parameters)
p1 p2
0 0.00 0.00
1 0.00 0.25
2 0.00 0.50
.. ... ...
12 0.75 0.00
13 0.75 0.25
14 1.00 0.00
[15 rows x 2 columns]
Note that it is also possible to provide additional parameters that then enter in the form of a Cartesian product.
These can be provided via the keyword product_parameters
Representation of Data within Discrete Subspaces¶
Internally, discrete subspaces are represented by two dataframes, the experimental and the computational representation.
The experimental representation (exp_rep
) contains all parameters as they were provided upon the construction of the search space and viewed by the experimenter. The computational representation (comp_rep
) contains a representation of parameters that is actually used for the internal calculation.
In particular, the computational representation contains no more labels or constant columns. This happens e.g. for SubstanceParameter
or CategoricalParameter
. Further, note that the shape of the computational representation can also change depending on the chosen encoding.
The following example demonstrates the difference:
from baybe.parameters import NumericalDiscreteParameter, CategoricalParameter
speed = CategoricalParameter("Speed", values=["slow", "normal", "fast"], encoding="OHE")
temperature = NumericalDiscreteParameter(name="Temperature", values=[90, 105])
subspace = SubspaceDiscrete.from_product(parameters=[speed, temperature])
Experimental Representation
Speed Temperature
0 slow 90.0
1 slow 105.0
2 normal 90.0
3 normal 105.0
4 fast 90.0
5 fast 105.0
Computational Representation
Speed_slow Speed_normal Speed_fast Temperature
0 1 0 0 90.0
1 1 0 0 105.0
2 0 1 0 90.0
3 0 1 0 105.0
4 0 0 1 90.0
5 0 0 1 105.0
Although possible, it is not intended to manually change the metadata. The metadata is maintained internally, and there is a risk involved with manipulating it manually. Consequently, we advise to only change the metadata manually if you are certain about it.
Discrete subspaces keep track of the recommendations that were made during a campaign.
The information is stored in a metadata
field, and it is possible to manually modify metadata
to influence the behavior of the corresponding campaign
exploring the space. In particular, by manually changing the values of metadata["dont_recommend"]
, it is possible to prevent certain points of the subspace from being recommended.
Continuous Subspaces¶
The SubspaceContinuous
contains all the continuous parameters of a SearchSpace
. There are different ways of constructing this subspace.
Using Explicit Bounds¶
The SubspaceContinuous.from_bounds
method can be used to easily create a subspace representing a hyperrectangle.
from baybe.searchspace import SubspaceContinuous
bounds = pd.DataFrame({"param1": [0, 1], "param2": [-1, 1]})
subspace = continuous = SubspaceContinuous.from_bounds(bounds)
Continuous Parameters
Name Type Lower_Bound Upper_Bound
0 param1 NumericalContinuousParameter 0.0 1.0
1 param2 NumericalContinuousParameter -1.0 1.0
Constructing from a Dataframe¶
Similar to discrete subspaces, continuous spaces can also be constructed using SubspaceContinuous.from_dataframe
However, when using this method to create a continuous space, it will create the smallest axis-aligned hyperrectangle-shaped continuous subspace that contains the points specified in the given dataframe.
from baybe.parameters import NumericalContinuousParameter
from baybe.searchspace.continuous import SubspaceContinuous
points = pd.DataFrame(
"param1": [0, 1, 2],
"param2": [-1, 0, 1],
subspace = SubspaceContinuous.from_dataframe(df=points)
As for discrete subspaces, this method automatically infers the parameter types but can be provided with an optional list parameters
Continuous Parameters
Name Type Lower_Bound Upper_Bound
0 param1 NumericalContinuousParameter 0.0 2.0
1 param2 NumericalContinuousParameter -1.0 1.0
Constructing Full Search Spaces¶
There are several methods available for creating full search spaces.
From the Default Constructor¶
It is possible to construct a search space by simply using the default constructor of the SearchSpace
The required parameters are derived from the __init__
function of that class.
In the simplest setting, it is sufficient to provide a single subspace for creating either a discrete or continuous search, or provide two subspaces for creating a hybrid search space.
searchspace = SearchSpace(discrete=discrete_subspace, continuous=continuous_subspace)
While this constructor is the default choice, it might not be the most convenient. Consequently, other constructors are available.
Building from the Product of Parameter Values¶
The function SearchSpace.from_product
is analog to the corresponding function available for SubspaceDiscrete
, but allows the parameter list to contain both discrete and continuous parameters.
Constructing from a Dataframe¶
constructs a search space from a given dataframe.
Due to the ambiguity between discrete and numerical parameter choices, this function requires a parameters list with pre-defined parameter objects, unlike its subspace counterparts, where this list is optional.
from baybe.searchspace import SearchSpace
params = [
NumericalDiscreteParameter(name="x0", values=[1, 2, 3]),
NumericalDiscreteParameter(name="x1", values=[4, 5, 6]),
NumericalContinuousParameter(name="x2", bounds=(6, 9)),
df = pd.DataFrame(
"x0": [2, 3],
"x1": [5, 4],
"x2": [9, 7],
searchspace = SearchSpace.from_dataframe(df=df, parameters=params)
Since one of the provided parameters is continuous, this creates a hybrid space. The following shows all information that are available to the user for this space:
Search Space
Search Space Type: HYBRID
Discrete Search Space
Discrete Parameters
Name Type Num_Values Encoding
0 x0 NumericalDiscreteParameter 3 None
1 x1 NumericalDiscreteParameter 3 None
Experimental Representation
x0 x1
0 2 5
1 3 4
was_recommended: 0/2
was_measured: 0/2
dont_recommend: 0/2
Empty DataFrame
Columns: []
Index: []
Computational Representation
x0 x1
0 2 5
1 3 4
Continuous Search Space
Continuous Parameters
Name Type Lower_Bound Upper_Bound
0 x2 NumericalContinuousParameter 6.0 9.0
List of Linear Equality Constraints
Empty DataFrame
Columns: []
Index: []
List of Linear Inequality Constraints
Empty DataFrame
Columns: []
Index: []
Restricting Search Spaces Using Constraints¶
Most constructors for both subspaces and search spaces support the optional keyword argument constraints
to provide a list of Constraint
When constructing full search spaces, the type of each constraint is checked, and the consequently applied to the corresponding subspace.
constraints = [...]
# Using one example constructor here
searchspace = SearchSpace.from_product(parameters=parameters, constraints=constraints)
For a more in-depth discussion of constraints, we refer to the corresponding user guide for more details.