Collection of small basic utilities.
Module Attributes
Sentinel indicating an unspecified value when None is ambiguous. |
Retrieve a specific subclass of a base class via its name or abbreviation. |
Return a list of base classes for the given class. |
Return a list of subclasses for the given class. |
Identify groups of keys that have the same value. |
Provide an infinite stream of the factory's products. |
Typeguard to check if all elements in a collection are of a certain type. |
Find the attributes of an object that match with a given callable signature. |
Check if the given name or abbreviation refers to the specified class. |
Register custom hooks with a given target callable. |
Convert any sequence into a tuple. |
Placeholder element for array-like data types. |
Sentinel indicating an unspecified value when None is ambiguous. |
A decorator to make class properties. |