Source code for baybe.recommenders.pure.bayesian.botorch

"""Botorch recommender."""

import gc
import math
from typing import Any, ClassVar

import pandas as pd
from attrs import define, field
from attrs.converters import optional as optional_c
from attrs.validators import gt, instance_of
from typing_extensions import override

from baybe.acquisition.acqfs import qThompsonSampling
from baybe.exceptions import (
from baybe.recommenders.pure.bayesian.base import BayesianRecommender
from baybe.searchspace import (
from baybe.utils.dataframe import to_tensor
from baybe.utils.plotting import to_string
from baybe.utils.sampling_algorithms import (

[docs] @define(kw_only=True) class BotorchRecommender(BayesianRecommender): """A pure recommender utilizing Botorch's optimization machinery. This recommender makes use of Botorch's ``optimize_acqf_discrete``, ``optimize_acqf`` and ``optimize_acqf_mixed`` functions to optimize discrete, continuous and hybrid search spaces, respectively. Accordingly, it can be applied to all kinds of search spaces. Note: In hybrid search spaces, the used algorithm performs a brute-force optimization that can be computationally expensive. Thus, the behavior of the algorithm in hybrid search spaces can be controlled via two additional parameters. """ # Class variables compatibility: ClassVar[SearchSpaceType] = SearchSpaceType.HYBRID # See base class. # Object variables sequential_continuous: bool = field(default=False) """Flag defining whether to apply sequential greedy or batch optimization in **continuous** search spaces. In discrete/hybrid spaces, sequential greedy optimization is applied automatically. """ hybrid_sampler: DiscreteSamplingMethod | None = field( converter=optional_c(DiscreteSamplingMethod), default=None ) """Strategy used for sampling the discrete subspace when performing hybrid search space optimization.""" sampling_percentage: float = field(default=1.0) """Percentage of discrete search space that is sampled when performing hybrid search space optimization. Ignored when ``hybrid_sampler="None"``.""" n_restarts: int = field(validator=[instance_of(int), gt(0)], default=10) """Number of times gradient-based optimization is restarted from different initial points. **Does not affect purely discrete optimization**. """ n_raw_samples: int = field(validator=[instance_of(int), gt(0)], default=64) """Number of raw samples drawn for the initialization heuristic in gradient-based optimization. **Does not affect purely discrete optimization**. """ @sampling_percentage.validator def _validate_percentage( # noqa: DOC101, DOC103 self, _: Any, value: float ) -> None: """Validate that the given value is in fact a percentage. Raises: ValueError: If ``value`` is not between 0 and 1. """ if not 0 <= value <= 1: raise ValueError( f"Hybrid sampling percentage needs to be between 0 and 1 but is {value}" ) @override def _recommend_discrete( self, subspace_discrete: SubspaceDiscrete, candidates_exp: pd.DataFrame, batch_size: int, ) -> pd.Index: """Generate recommendations from a discrete search space. Args: subspace_discrete: The discrete subspace from which to generate recommendations. candidates_exp: The experimental representation of all discrete candidate points to be considered. batch_size: The size of the recommendation batch. Raises: IncompatibleAcquisitionFunctionError: If a non-Monte Carlo acquisition function is used with a batch size > 1. Returns: The dataframe indices of the recommended points in the provided experimental representation. """ if batch_size > 1 and not self.acquisition_function.is_mc: raise IncompatibleAcquisitionFunctionError( f"The '{self.__class__.__name__}' only works with Monte Carlo " f"acquisition functions for batch sizes > 1." ) if batch_size > 1 and isinstance(self.acquisition_function, qThompsonSampling): raise IncompatibilityError( "Thompson sampling currently only supports a batch size of 1." ) from botorch.optim import optimize_acqf_discrete # determine the next set of points to be tested candidates_comp = subspace_discrete.transform(candidates_exp) points, _ = optimize_acqf_discrete( self._botorch_acqf, batch_size, to_tensor(candidates_comp) ) # retrieve the index of the points from the input dataframe # IMPROVE: The merging procedure is conceptually similar to what # `SearchSpace._match_measurement_with_searchspace_indices` does, though using # a simpler matching logic. When refactoring the SearchSpace class to # handle continuous parameters, a corresponding utility could be extracted. idxs = pd.Index( pd.merge( pd.DataFrame(points, columns=candidates_comp.columns), candidates_comp.reset_index(), on=list(candidates_comp), how="left", )["index"] ) return idxs @override def _recommend_continuous( self, subspace_continuous: SubspaceContinuous, batch_size: int, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Generate recommendations from a continuous search space. Args: subspace_continuous: The continuous subspace from which to generate recommendations. batch_size: The size of the recommendation batch. Raises: IncompatibleAcquisitionFunctionError: If a non-Monte Carlo acquisition function is used with a batch size > 1. Returns: A dataframe containing the recommendations as individual rows. """ # For batch size > 1, this optimizer needs a MC acquisition function if batch_size > 1 and not self.acquisition_function.is_mc: raise IncompatibleAcquisitionFunctionError( f"The '{self.__class__.__name__}' only works with Monte Carlo " f"acquisition functions for batch sizes > 1." ) import torch from botorch.optim import optimize_acqf points, _ = optimize_acqf( acq_function=self._botorch_acqf, bounds=torch.from_numpy(subspace_continuous.comp_rep_bounds.values), q=batch_size, num_restarts=self.n_restarts, raw_samples=self.n_raw_samples, equality_constraints=[ c.to_botorch(subspace_continuous.parameters) for c in subspace_continuous.constraints_lin_eq ] or None, # TODO: inequality_constraints=[ c.to_botorch(subspace_continuous.parameters) for c in subspace_continuous.constraints_lin_ineq ] or None, # TODO: sequential=self.sequential_continuous, ) # Return optimized points as dataframe rec = pd.DataFrame(points, columns=subspace_continuous.parameter_names) return rec @override def _recommend_hybrid( self, searchspace: SearchSpace, candidates_exp: pd.DataFrame, batch_size: int, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Recommend points using the ``optimize_acqf_mixed`` function of BoTorch. This functions samples points from the discrete subspace, performs optimization in the continuous subspace with these points being fixed and returns the best found solution. **Important**: This performs a brute-force calculation by fixing every possible assignment of discrete variables and optimizing the continuous subspace for each of them. It is thus computationally expensive. **Note**: This function implicitly assumes that discrete search space parts in the respective data frame come first and continuous parts come second. Args: searchspace: The search space in which the recommendations should be made. candidates_exp: The experimental representation of the candidates of the discrete subspace. batch_size: The size of the calculated batch. Raises: IncompatibleAcquisitionFunctionError: If a non-Monte Carlo acquisition function is used with a batch size > 1. Returns: The recommended points. """ # For batch size > 1, this optimizer needs a MC acquisition function if batch_size > 1 and not self.acquisition_function.is_mc: raise IncompatibleAcquisitionFunctionError( f"The '{self.__class__.__name__}' only works with Monte Carlo " f"acquisition functions for batch sizes > 1." ) import torch from botorch.optim import optimize_acqf_mixed # Transform discrete candidates candidates_comp = searchspace.discrete.transform(candidates_exp) # Calculate the number of samples from the given percentage n_candidates = math.ceil(self.sampling_percentage * len(candidates_comp.index)) # Potential sampling of discrete candidates if self.hybrid_sampler is not None: candidates_comp = sample_numerical_df( candidates_comp, n_candidates, method=self.hybrid_sampler ) # Prepare all considered discrete configurations in the # List[Dict[int, float]] format expected by BoTorch. num_comp_columns = len(candidates_comp.columns) candidates_comp.columns = list(range(num_comp_columns)) # type: ignore fixed_features_list = candidates_comp.to_dict("records") # Actual call of the BoTorch optimization routine points, _ = optimize_acqf_mixed( acq_function=self._botorch_acqf, bounds=torch.from_numpy(searchspace.comp_rep_bounds.values), q=batch_size, num_restarts=self.n_restarts, raw_samples=self.n_raw_samples, fixed_features_list=fixed_features_list, equality_constraints=[ c.to_botorch( searchspace.continuous.parameters, idx_offset=len(candidates_comp.columns), ) for c in searchspace.continuous.constraints_lin_eq ] or None, # TODO: inequality_constraints=[ c.to_botorch( searchspace.continuous.parameters, idx_offset=num_comp_columns, ) for c in searchspace.continuous.constraints_lin_ineq ] or None, # TODO: ) # Align candidates with search space index. Done via including the search space # index during the merge, which is used later for back-translation into the # experimental representation merged = pd.merge( pd.DataFrame(points), candidates_comp.reset_index(), on=list(candidates_comp.columns), how="left", ).set_index("index") # Get experimental representation of discrete part rec_disc_exp = searchspace.discrete.exp_rep.loc[merged.index] # Combine discrete and continuous parts rec_exp = pd.concat( [ rec_disc_exp, merged.iloc[:, num_comp_columns:].set_axis( searchspace.continuous.parameter_names, axis=1 ), ], axis=1, ) return rec_exp @override def __str__(self) -> str: fields = [ to_string("Surrogate", self._surrogate_model), to_string( "Acquisition function", self.acquisition_function, single_line=True ), to_string("Compatibility", self.compatibility, single_line=True), to_string( "Sequential continuous", self.sequential_continuous, single_line=True ), to_string("Hybrid sampler", self.hybrid_sampler, single_line=True), to_string( "Sampling percentage", self.sampling_percentage, single_line=True ), ] return to_string(self.__class__.__name__, *fields)
# Collect leftover original slotted classes processed by `attrs.define` gc.collect()